ICD International Business School of France (Institut international du commercial de du développement) ICD International Business School, a joint educational institution of France and the United States, located in Paris, France is an international business school specializing in marketing, trade and business development. ICD International Business School and Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) signed a dual diploma program agreement. In order to participate in the program the students must successfully complete the first two years of the bachelor’s degree at UNEC, they must study at ICD for a two-term period in the third year of their education, then they must return to UNEC again in the fourth year and successfully complete their education. In this case, students will also receive the ICD diploma on “Business” along with the UNEC diploma. Education is in English.
University of Montpellier of France
Through a joint diploma program jointly with UNEC and University of Montpellier of France, UNEC graduate students will be able to earn a Master’s diploma in “Business Administration” from Montpellier University. Students will spend the first term of the academic year at UNEC and the 2nd term at the University of Montpellier. In the end, they will defend their thesis in front of a jury consisting of representatives from both universities at UNEC. Students who successfully complete the program will receive a diploma from the University of Montpellier as well as the UNEC diploma. Education is in English.