The research of Hasraddin Guliyev (“Determining the Spatial effects of COVID-19 using Spatial Panel Data Model”), a lecturer at the department of “Economics and Management” of UNEC, a researcher at the Economic Research Institute has been published in the scientific journal “Spatial Statistics”, signed in with Elsevier which is included in the Web of Science and Scopus databases and ranked in the index in Q1.
The UNEC scientist analysed the study of effect of recovery and mortality rates from COVID-19 on the percentage of new virus infections which was detected in 31 regions of China from January 22 to March 10 (49 days) in terms of spatial distribution and its impact on time. According to the study, 1% increase in deaths in the region increases the number of infections in the region by 32%, while a 1% increase in the recovery rate reduces the number of infections by 0.7%. The scientist also studied the impact of rising mortality rates, as well as recovery rates on the number of infections in neighbouring countries.