In all cases, the rector noted that distance learning is inevitable and the need to build a quality distance learning model.
“Quality of distance education!
1. There are a few days left until the beginning of the new academic year. There are different opinions on whether the lessons will be traditional or remote. Experts from Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) tried to assess the impact of the restoration of traditional classes on the COVID19 pandemic. The result of the assessment is that the restoration of traditional education in higher education institutions alone can increase the number of cases of infection with COVID 19 by 4.06 times.
2. In all cases, the introduction of distance education already seems inevitable. This innovation has brought to the fore an issue that was not even discussed before, the issue of the quality of distance education. Taking into the consideration the essence, even the possibility of building a model of distance education in our country that can compete with the world’s leading universities in the new environment of education, we think that it will be useful for the future of education to take into account the fact that the quality of distance education is more relevant and important.”