New decisions were made at the last meeting of the Scientific Council
The next meeting of the Scientific Council was held at UNEC.
Rector, professor Adalat Muradov, speaking at the opening of the Scientific Council, congratulated the council members on the occasion of the confident victory of President Ilham Aliyev in the extraordinary presidential elections held on February 7. Pointing out that the UNEC staff actively participated in the victory elections, the rector noted that these elections are written as a significant day in the history of our statehood.
In the council, the director of the Examination Center, associate professor Sohrab Isayev, presented a report on the results of the examination session of the autumn semester. He said that the knowledge of more than 18,000 students was evaluated in the session. The highest success rate in undergraduate exams was recorded at the Faculty of Digital Economy with 91%. S. Isayev pointed out that the number of appeals from the results of the exams, as well as the cases of violations of the disciplinary rules in the exams, has decreased sharply (4 times) compared to the previous years.
Sohrab Isayev said that from the next semester, written exams will be held electronically. Information about all applied innovations and changes will be sent to students’ personal offices in advance.
Director of UNEC Design School Assoc. Lala Mammadova brought to the attention of the council members the new Rules on conducting the final state attestation at the bachelor’s level in the “Design” specialty. According to the new rules, knowledge and skills of final year students will be evaluated based on the project they prepared in the final state attestation.
Then the deputy director of the International Master’s and Doctorate Center Assoc. Ayten Huseynli made a presentation on the organization of the scientific-pedagogical experience of graduate students and the Rules for the organization of the scientific-research experience. He pointed out that the scientific-pedagogical as well as scientific-research experiences of the graduate students were organized more successfully than in previous years.