Vugar Karimov
Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Deputy Minister Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Centre Sustainable Development and Green Economy named after Nizami Ganjavi
Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, Deputy Minister Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Centre Sustainable Development and Green Economy named after Nizami Ganjavi
Senior adviser to the Secretariat of the First Vice President of the Administration of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Head of the Department of Sustainable Development, Ministry of Economy
Head of Tamiz Shahar OJSC
SMB, Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directos
Director of the Azerbaijan Renewable Energy Agency
Chief of Staff of Baku Transport Agency
Ganja State University vice-rector for science and innovation, deputy
Head of International Relations Department of Baku International Sea Trade Port Closed Joint Stock Company
Head of EkoSfera Socio-Ecological Center
UNEP, Regional Coordinator of the European Office
UNEC, Executive director of the Centre for Sustainable Development and Green Economy named after Nizami Ganjavi, Secretary of the Supervisory Board