
Isayev Veysal Ilyas  

was born in 1933. He completed secondary education in 1948. He entered the Azerbaijan University of People’s Economy in 1949 and graduated from that Institute with the honored diploma in 1953. He was admitted to the post-graduates courses at the Moscow Agriculture Academy in 1954 and gained the scientific title of candidate of economic sciences after successfully defending the thesis on “Resources for increasing revenues at cotton cultivating collective farms in Azerbaijan SSR” in 1958. He worked as the senior teacher at the Accounting and analysis of economic activities department of AzXTI over 1958-1962 years. From 1962, he headed the Accounting and financial economy department at the Azerbaijan Agriculture Economy Scientific-Research Institute. Over 1958-1965 years, the famous economist issued 3 monographs and more than 30 articles on scientific publications. As a result of those activities, single accounting system was prepared and introduced at collective farms. At the same time, recommendations on application of farm accounts and methodical on relation between remunerations and final results of the work were elaborated. Implementation of those recommendations and application of the proposal on not only quantitative, but also qualitative accounting of the production significantly contributed to the increase of efficiency of the production. In 1972, he defended the doctorate dissertation on “Analysis of revenues and economic basis of efficient use from them in a new condition” at AzXTI and received the scientific title of doctor of economic sciences. In 1977, his large-scale monograph on “Equalization and effective use of revenues at collective farms” was published in Moscow. It was the first monograph of Azerbaijani scientist dealing with the accounting published in Moscow. H worked in different positions at the Azerbaijan Cooperation Institution from 1975 until the end of his life and was the professor of the “Accounting and audit” department of University of Economics.

He died in 1998.


Salmanov Soltan Adishirin

S.A.Salmanov is one of the merchandising scientists with special contribution to development of the merchandising science in the country, as well as preparation of high-qualified merchandising specialists for a long period. Current leading and experienced specialists on merchandising have been students of S.A.Salmanov. He entered the full-time post graduate study courses before the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, but suspended his education upon recruitment to the military forces in 1941 and participated in the defence of motherland. After return from the front, he continued his education at the postgraduate level, defended the candidacy thesis on “Merchandising characteristics of silky fabrics porudced in Azerbaijan” in Moscow and gain the scientific title of candidate of technical sciences. Over 1952-1959 years, he was the dean of the Trade-economy faculty at the Institute of People’s Economy named after K.Marks. In 1959, a number of specialities of the Institute of People’s Economy were merged with AzDİU named after S.M.Kirov. The Faculty of General economy was established based on those specialities. In 1962, an independent faculty of Merchandising was created at AzDİU named after S.M.Kirov. S.A.Salmanov was appointed the dean of the Merchandising faculty at the Azerbaijan Institute of People’s Economy named after D.Bunyadzada. Under the supervision of S.A.Salmanov 5 people, who are currently well known merchandising scientists in the country, defended and gained the science degree in Moscow over 1964-1974 years. S.A.Salmanov worked as dean of faculty (1966-1972) and director of the Merchandising of non-food products department in different years (1967-1976), playing an important role in the development of the merchandising science in Azerbaijan. Under his guidance, staff of the Merchandising of non-food products department wrote a number of scientific articles, textbooks, programs and methodical works addressing modern challenges of the merchandising.



Farajov Farid Aligulu  

was born on June 23, 1927 in Baku city. After graduation from the Azerbaijan Institute of People’s Economy in 1949 he was admitted to the Institute of Economy under former Academy of Sciences of USSR in Moscow and gained the scientific degree of the candidate of economic sciences with defending the dissertation on “Labour productivity at agricultural machinery building industry of USSR” in 1953. At the same year, the young scientist worked as junior, then senior scientific officer at the Economy section of the Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences and was invited to head the Concrete economic subjects department of the Baku Higher Party School in 1957.  In 1972, he was awarded the title “Honoured economist of the Republic”. Farid Farajov didn’t distinguished teacher activity with scientific activity. His first book was the candidacy dissertation that had been published in Moscow with the recommendation of the Council of Defence. In view of acute need for economic textbooks in Azerbaijani language based on local materials, at the initiative of and under the supervision of F.Farajov, the team of authors published the textbook “Industrial economy issues” in 1963.  He successfully defended the doctorate dissertation on “Areal structure and ways of improvement of the industry in Azerbaijan” in 1974 and was awarded with the scientific degree of the doctor of economic sciences and scientific title of the professor with the decision of the Supreme Attestation Commission. Management of the country appointed F. Farajov ETII director and elected as the member of the Board of the State Planning Committee in 1976 in order to strengthen works undertaking in this direction. He died in 2000.



Garavaliyev Ahmad Mustafa

was born in 1910.
He defended the candidacy dissertation in 1953 and doctorate dissertation in 1969. He was the author of more than 100 scientific works. He was one of the well-known scientists in the research of problems related to consumer problems. The monograph “History of consumer cooperation of Azerbaijan” which was published in 1966 is considered as the rich source for studying this field of the economic history of Azerbaijan. He worked as teacher, senior teacher, head of department and dean at Azerbaijan Institute of People’s Economy over 1947-1956 and 1966-1982 years.

He was the professor of the “Political economy” department at the Azerbaijan Institute of Construction Engineers in 1991.He died in 1991.



Gasimov Alasgar Ramazan

He defended the candidacy dissertation on “Socialism competition and its role in elimination of contradictions between intellectual labour and physical labour in increasing labour productivity” in Moscow in 1948. He was awarded the title of professor in 1963 without defending a doctorate dissertation due to his fruitful scientific-research activities, contribution to training of qualified economists.

Extensive life experience as military serviceman, Komsomol and party officer, teacher of higher education institution was reflected on his overall views, principal attitude towards people, challenges faced. Two-tome “Political economy” textbook was prepared under his guidance and authorship.

He was the dean at the Faculty of Economy of the Azerbaijan State Economic University in 1963. He headed the political economy Department of the Azerbaijan Institute of People’s Economy from 1966 until the retirement.



Gasimov Adil Abbas  

was born in 1932. He defended the candidacy dissertation on “Factors for increasing labour productivity in the agriculture of Azerbaijan” in 1959. He was awarded with the scientific title of professor in 1989 for his monographs, leaflets, textbook and training aids for higher education institutions and candidacy dissertation works defended under his supervision. Professor A.Gasimov headed the Economic theory of BSU over 1992-1998 years and Department of International economic relations from 1989 until the end of his life. He died in 2009.


Ahmadov Latif Mahammad   

was born on November 8, 1925. After graduating from the Sheki Pedagogical Technical School in 1943, he was recruited to the army. He was seriously wounded in battles near Smolensk on September 1943 and treated at the military hospital. He was demobilized from the army as the war invalid of 2nd group. In 1949, he entered the Azerbaijan Institute of People’s Economy named after K. Marks and completed the financial course with the honour diploma in 1953. He was awarded with the title of candidate of economic sciences of the Soviet of Moscow State Economic Institute on January 8, 1959. He received the title of assistant professor of the Finance and Credit department according to the decision of the Supreme Attestation Commission dated January 28, 1962. In 2002, he was awarded with the title of Honoured teacher of the Republic of Azerbaijan. He was also awarded with medals and orders for participation in the Great Patriotic War over 1941-1945 years. He died in 2010.



Alasgarov Aghasalim Karim

was born on May 22, 1928 in Baku city. He studied at the Azerbaijan State Institute of People’s Economy (currently Azerbaijan State Economic University) over 1946-1950 years. Over 1950-1953 years, he advanced from the position of economist at the Planning Commission of the Soviet of People’s Deputies of Baku city up to the director of the housing-public utility, capital construction departments and head of the Accounting – stock-taking department of Baku city.  He defended the candidacy dissertation on “Unit cost of cotton and ways to decrease it” for the first time in USSR in 1958 and doctorate dissertation on “Specialization of agriculture and its economic effect” in 1968. He gained the professor degree in 1969. He worked as the deputy rector on scientific issues of the Institute of People’s Economy named after D.Bunyadzade and director of the Political economy department over 1974-1978, director of the Institute of Economy of ANCA over 1989-1998 years. In 1989, he was elected the correspondent member of ANCA. 78 doctors of sciences and candidates of sciences have been prepared under the scientific guideline and opponency of A. Alasgarov. He is the author of 221 scientific works on addressing different areas of the economy – economics, macro-economic policy, unit cost, labour productivity, farm accounting and other directions. He was awarded with the title of “Honoured worker of culture” in 1982, “Labour veteran” medal in 1986 and special medal of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation in 2014 for his scientific activities. He died in 2015.



Mustafayev Nazim Seyfi oğlu

was born on April 5, 1934. He entered the Trade-economy faculty of AzXTI named after K.Marx in 1951 and completed the speciality of Merchandising of food products and organization of trade with the honoured diploma in 1955. He worked as the teacher at the Baku Cooperative Technical School over 1955-1964 years and was the postgraduate study student of the ASU named after S.M.Kirov over 1961-1965 years. He was teacher since March 1965 at the Merchandising department of ASU, and in September of 1966, defended the candidacy dissertation on “Traditional confectionary products of Azerbaijan and their merchandising characteristics” at the University of Merchandising of AzXTI named after D.Bünyadzada and gained the scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences. He was appointed the director of the Department of Merchandising of food products after the Merchandising department of AzXTI named after D.Bunyadzade was divided into 2 speciality departments in September of 1967, and in 1970 he was the assistant professor. During his supervision at the department until July 1973, a pool of professors-teachers and speciality laboratory was created, 4 people defended the candidacy dissertation on the speciality of merchandising of food products. He was the key assistant professor of the department from 1973 till the end of his life. He was the author of more than 60 scientific articles, including 3 textbooks, 1 book and more than 20 methodical aids. He also occupied a number of public position during his professional activities, assisted to the Azerbaijan Cooperative Institute, Baku Cooperative Technical School and Baku Commercial Technical School in the capacity of adviser. He died on March 28, 1993.



Akhundov Bahman Yusif

After graduating from the Middle Asia Institute of State Planning of Tashkent in 1934, he worked at the Azerbaijan State University, entered the postgraduate study courses of the Moscow Institute of Planning named after Krjijanovski, in 1939 defended the candidacy dissertation under the scientific supervision of the famous scientist Stanislav Gustavovich Strumilin. He was on frontline during the Second World War and was awarded with the medal for Defence of Moscow. He returned to Baku in 1942 and worked as the teacher at the Azerbaijan State University and senior scientific officer at the Institute of History of Central Committee of the Communist Party of Azerbaijan. He defended the doctorate dissertation on “Monopolist capital at the oil industry in pre-revolutionary Baku” in 1951. Publication of this thesis, which was the result of hard work, in Moscow as the monograph brought union wide famous to the scientist in a short period of time. B.Akhundov who was the first doctor of sciences in the field of economy worked as the professor at the Political economy department of the Azerbaijan State University over 1950-1956 years, deputy rector on scientific issues at the Azerbaijan Institute of People’s Economy named after D. Bunyadzade over 1966-1974 years, and as the professor of the Political economy department of the same institute from 1974 till the end of his life. In 1961, the book “M.F.Akhundov and H.B.Zardab’s public-economic views” was published in Russian. The scientist had great services in the preparation of the economy section of the three-tome book “History of Azerbaijan”. In 1967, he was awarded with the title of the Honoured economist of Azerbaijan. He was elected the member of ANAS in 1968.



Gasimov Abulfaz Jabrayil 

  1. Gasimov, doctor of economic sciences, professor and honoured scientist was born in 1931. He defended the candidacy dissertation in 1950 and doctorate dissertation at the Scientific Council of the Institute of Economy under the Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan SSR in 1970. He is the author of 3-tome textbook on agrarian economy. He was awarded with the title of honoured scientists of Azerbaijan SSR in 1991. He worked as the assistant professor, professor, and head of department at the Baku Higher Party School over 1959-1992 years and as the professor, head of the department at the Azerbaijan State Economic University from 1992 until the end of his life. He died in 2008.



Gasimov Hasan Allahyar 

was born in 1940. He defended the candidacy dissertation in 1968 and doctorate dissertation in 1985. He gained the title of professor in 1987. The object of research of the professor H. Gasimov was the formation and development of material and technical basis of the agrarian-industrial complex in Azerbaijan. He was the author of a number of monographs and more than 200 scientific articles.

He worked as the laboratory assistant, scientific officer, head of department at the Institute of Economy of the Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan SSR over 1961-1986 years, director of the Institute of economy and Organization of Agriculture under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan over 1987-1992 years, and rector of the Azerbaijan State Economic Institute over 1992-1994 years.



Nasirov Talibkhan Hatamkhan

was born in 1934. He completed the secondary school in 1953. He was admitted to the Merchandising faculty of the Azerbaijan Institute of People’s Economy named after K.Marks in 1953. After graduation in 1957, he worked as the guide-merchandiser at the Azerittifaq.  He entered the postgraduate courses of the Moscow Institute of People’s Economy named after G.V.Plekhanov in 1962. He defended the dissertation work on “Research of impact of chemical fibres on characteristics of use of lining fabric” under the supervision of high qualified scientists in 1968 and gained the title of scientist. He began the pedagogical activity at the Azerbaijan Institute of People’s Economy since 1966. He worked as the assistant, senior teacher, assistant professor at the Department “Merchandising of industrial goods” and dean of the Faculty “Trade-merchandising”. He was also in scientific research, in addition to pedagogical activities. He invented a number of devices for studying consumer characteristics of weaving materials. This invention gained two gold medals for our university at the International exhibition held in Leipzig city of Germany. He took an active part in successful organization of days of Azerbaijan at the exhibition of the Achievements of People’s Economy in UUSR and awarded with the 1st degree diploma and medal of the exhibition. He died in 1974.

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