Huseynova Alida Teymur
She was born on January 1, 1978 in Dmanis district of the Republic of Georgia.
In 2001, she received a bachelor’s degree in “Finance and Credit” at Azerbaijan State University of Economics and entered the master’s program.
In 2003, she received a master’s degree with honors in this specialty.
In 2002, she started working as a part-time laboratory assistant at the same university.
Since 2003, she has worked as a part-time teacher in the “Banking” department. In the same year, she has been approved as a student for a degree at the “Banking” department of Azerbaijan State University of Economics.
She completed a PhD thesis on “Sustainability of commercial banks and the path of its development in the Republic of Azerbaijan.”
On December 27, 2013, she defended her PhD thesis in Economics.
By the decision of the Higher Attestation Commission under the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, on February 10, 2015, she was awarded the degree of PhD in Economics.
In 2014, by order of the rector, she was appointed a lecturer at the department of Banking (now “Finance and Financial Institutions”).
On March 18, 2018, she was appointed as a senior teacher by the order of the rector.
On March 19, 2022, she was appointed associate professor by the order of the rector.
Her 36 scientific works, textbooks and 1 chapter in the textbook have been published. Three of the works were published in Impact journals.
Married and have three children.