Director: Aziz Zaur Vagif oghlue-mail: [email protected]
UNEC Extern Training Center was established by UNEC order No. 994/3/2019 dated November 12, 2019. Head of the Digital Media Section of the Marketing and Communication Department of UNEC-Site Administrator, Aziz Zaur Vagif oglu was appointed to the position of director of UNEC Extern Training Center on 14.12.2020.
According to the approved Regulations of the Center, it has the following responsibilities:
*Application, development and improvement of the form of distance education (hereinafter – FDE) based on modern information – communication technologies at UNEC;
*Development of implementation methods of FDE at UNEC;
*Preparation of projects for the implementation of FDE at UNEC, implementation, coordination and monitoring of these projects;
*Organization and management of the educational process at UNEC with the application of FDE;
*Development of the content of FDE programs, application of best practices in the organization and support of education;
*Analysis and application of normative-legal documents regulating FDE;
*Carrying out marketing research on FDE and determining the audience, organizing the development and implementation of strategies for their involvement;
*Organization of interaction with other structural units of UNEC in connection with the activities of the Center;
*Organization of trainings to improve the teaching process related to the application of FDE;
*Organization of posting relevant information and methodological aids on the UNEC website;
*Formation of educational-methodical base of FDE courses and organization of joint monitoring of relevant educational-methodical materials on preparation directions (majors) of the university together with relevant structural units of UNEC;
*Development and implementation of professional development and retraining programs aimed at preparing students for professional activities;
*Organization of technological, organizational and analytical support of FDE projects
*Improving the quality of education through the application of world best practices in the field of FDE and ensuring the expansion of the range of educational services provided by UNEC;
*Organization of corporate education services at UNEC;
*Cooperation with international distance education platforms for the implementation of the Center’s projects;
*Study and application of world best practices in the development of online educational content.
In September 2021, the e-university department of the Center for Educational Quality Assessment and Management of Teaching Quality was renamed the department of Education and Training Technologies. On 12.10.2021, the department of Education and Training Technologies was removed from the Center for Assessment and Management of Teaching Quality and included in the structure of the UNEC Extern training centre.
Also the Centre:
On 14.12.2020, the Center approved the composition of the staff for the organization of distance lessons, their management and control, preparation of reports on regular lessons in accordance with the relevant order of the rector of UNEC.