ASEU is a research university
ASEU is being integrated to the world science. Every year international conferences, forums, scientific seminars are held there according to the traditional and new actual problems with the participation of world- wide famous scientists. Online videoconferences are arranged together with advanced Universities of USA, Europe, CIS and Asia. ASEU scientists make reports, discussions and exchange of views in the international scientific conferences.
ASEU is an active participant of Council of Europe (TASIS, TEMPUS, ERASMUS, SOCRATES), USA (Fulbright), international scientific- innovative projects of some international economic organizations (UNO, UNCTAD, World Bank, DTB).
Economic Investigation Scientific Research Institute was established according to the economic science fields and for a short period of time it became the centre of advanced ideas and innovations.
Economic Investigation Scientific Research Institute was established according to the decision of Azerbaijan Republic’ the Cabinet of Ministers in 2009, for the first time in the economic science field and for a short period of time it became the centre of advanced ideas and innovations.
The numbers of shortened articles of ASEU scientists in the international journals increase every year and it improves the rating position of our University.
Councils according to the exchange of dissertations on scientific fields as Economic Theory, Macro-economy, Finance, Currency and Credit, World Economy carry their activities in ASEU.
Publishing “Economic University” actively publishes monographs, training- methodological materials, analytical reviews.
Journals “Economic sciences: theory and practices” and “Geo- economics”, also newspaper “Iqtisadchi” are published in ASEU.
Scientific activity forming and regulation
- Captivate university professor- teaching staff to innovation and scientific processes existing in the country and world drawing them into scientific-research works activity, also to provide student staffs participation to the activities in this field.
- To use scientific achievements in the development of modern economical fields, improvement of specialty training, provision of stable progress of education at the university.
- To arrange apply of modern scientific-innovative methods to research process and education system.
- To improve regulation of university scientific-research system.
- Investigate opportunities in the direction of professor-teaching staff 's scientific intellect's and skill's improving and simplify the usage of it.
- To form scientific schools and directions.
- To determine complex subjects according to the scientific-methodological and scientific-technological profiles.
- Preparation of theses for a Doctor's degree, to arrange defense and regulation of them and to adapt them to international standards.
- To try applying of modern scientific experiences to the university broadening cooperation between appropriate bodies of universities existing in some countries of the world.
- To form and develop material and technical basis of the university captivating finances on the basis of grants, state supplies, self-supporting contracts.
- To put into practice preparation of publications concerning the science of Economy, their spread, arrangement of conferences, seminars and other events.
- To give information concerning the printing of university collaborators’ articles in the international magazines and primary advice.
- To inform the university collaborators about grant competitions concerning the development of science announced by Azerbaijan state and international organizations aiming their participation in them and to give advices in the preparation of projects.
- To provide university professor-teaching staffs' participation in the conferences seminars, trainings and other events of inter-republic and international informing them about the announcements.
Translated textbooks (.doc)
Published textbooks (.doc)