Commemoration ceremony dedicated to the 24th anniversary of Khojali massacre has been held at the School of Turkish World of Business Administration of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC).
Making a speech about the grievances, unbreakable traces and inhuman savagery inflicted on our people by Khojali tragedy, Head of the Department “Azerbaijan Language”, Dr of Philology Tofig Abdulhasanli has called the youth to be fighters.
The Assistant Professor of the Department “Azerbaijan Language” noted that our people have been subjected to the Armenian chauvinists’ ethnic cleansing and genocide policy over the centuries. Azerbaijan People have become refugees and internally displaced persons form their historical lands and all of these processes were accompanied by massive bloodsheds by Armenians. Thousands of unarmed, peaceful Azerbaijanis were killed in Khojali and brutal genocide against the sick, elderly and infants, children and women was carried out.
Students have made speeches on “Khojaly in eyes of young people”, “Justice for Khojali”, “Khojali tragedy victims” and said the poem by Zalimkhan Yagub “God, make me martyr”.
At the end of the event, the teaching staff and the students emphasized that the crime must not go unpunished, Armenian military-political aggression must be condemned by the world community and international organizations, parliaments of the world countries should give political and legal assessment to the military crimes committed by the Republic of Armenia in the territory of Azerbaijan as the real genocide of Khojali.