The brand UNEC has been presented to public representatives at Azerbaijan State University of Economics on March 15.
Making a speech Rector, Professor Adalat Muradov noted that the President Ilham Aliyev has instructed on the realization of the measures related with the recognition of “Made in Azerbaijan” brand in the world market by his decree about “Additional Measures in connection with the stimulating the export of non-oil products”” on January 18 2016. To support the allocation of the decree in the level of higher education institutions we have implemented the branding of our University for the first time in Azerbaijan education area. Thus, we pretend to promote the brand of the Azerbaijan higher education institution in the market of world education services.
Highlighting the education sector as one of the dynamically developing fields of the world economy, Rector said that sometimes the profits gained by some higher educational enterprises are greater than the funds granted by the governments of big countries to education. The globe’s well-known universities become the innovative catalysts of these countries’ economy.
The education sector is also the main content of the services market. Universities are the active participants of this sector. We have faced serious rivalry penetrating the education services market. The participants ought to form their corporate image in order to be known and distinguished in this competition. The university pretending to develop human capital should possess own brand.
Azerbaijan State University of Economics has already been de-facto branded. The titles such as “Narkhoz” and others are the negative image of the university in public.
As de-jure Azerbaijan State University of Economics has formed its own brand in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan. It has officially been registered by the State Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Patent on January 21. In brand approval the 41st class of a special classification on-educating, ensuring teaching process, organization of entertaining, sport and cultural-educational events and 42nd class on-scientific and technological services and the related researches, industrial analysis and services on scientific researches, technical and program provision of computers and their improvement have been based on by the State Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Patent. The university’s brand is UNEC (University of Economy). We want to be presented as UNEC in all languages. This does not mean that we change the name of the university. This is not under our competence. Brand is not also an abbreviation. The abbreviations are ADIU-in Azerbaijani, АГЭУ-in Russian and ASEU–in English.
Highly appreciating the branding of the university the participants have stressed its role in improving the quality of education in Azerbaijan. Afterwards Rector has answered the journalists’ questions.