On the quality organization of teaching 37 subjects to be taught at UNEC in the spring semester of 2021/2022 academic year, in addition to the invited trainers from Hacettepe, Istanbul, Ankara, Yildiz Teknik, Gazi, Artvin Coruh universities of Turkey, Moscow State University of Food Production of Russia, 30-hour trainings were conducted for each lesson with the participation of local trainers, depending on the specifics of the subject.
The trainings were attended by 178 UNEC employees, as well as representatives of the Academy of Labor and Social Relations and Azerbaijan University of Tourism and Management.
In addition to the new subjects to be taught, in order to build the previously taught subjects in a more modern, competency-based way that meets the requirements of the labor market, the discipines “Azerbaijan Economy”, “Agrarian Economy”, “Econometrics”, “Fundamentals of Business”, “Financial Accounting” ACCA F3), “Audit” (F8), “Financial Reporting” (IFRS compliant), “Banking”, “Insurance”, “Software in Statistics” (based on Excel and SPSS software), “Introduction to Modeling in Statistics” (VAR Analysis, Eviews, R program, studying ARCH and GARCH models), “Fundamentals of Programming-1” (django, flask, Core python for Web framework, AWS for Deployment cloud, Docker optional, Rest api, Basic Linux command-based program), “Fundamentals of Programming-2” (Fundamentals of Java Web Technologies, Spring framework, Soap and Rest web services), “Informatics”, “Database Management System (MySQL, Oracle: Orcle SQL, PL / SQL), “Software in business” have been updated on real projects and improved on programs that will teach more practical skills.