New disciplines and training courses are being created at Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC). It aims to improve cadres’ development on new majors.
One of these subjects is “International Investments”. The discipline’s syllabus was prepared by UNEC Rector, Professor Adalat Muradov’s supervision and scientific editorship. The subject developed by the academic staff of the Department “International Economics” was included into the Chair’s curriculum.
Initial discussion on the preparation of the subject for publication was carried out by the leading specialists of UNEC.
The importance of the subject “International Investments” for Azerbaijan economy was spoken about during the discussions; its necessity in the development of the national cadres was emphasized too.
A numerous overseas and domestic scholars’ works were used in the preparation of the syllabus. The program was adapted to the textbooks and training aids and syllabuses on investments of the prestigious European universities. Last themes of the syllabus were related with Azerbaijan economy. The country’s non- oil sector was also focused on along with oil sector in coordination. The training program is more important in terms of making foreign investments.