Training Methodological Board of Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) held its first meeting with a new composition on July 10.
Issues of the formation of the Board’s structure and establishment of the sections were discussed during the meeting chaired by the UNEC Rector, Dr. Adalat Muradov. It was decided to set up three sections in the content of the Board- Methodological and Organizational Security of Teaching, Quality Assurance and Scientific- methodological Provision Sections. Head of the Department of “Regulation of Economy”, Professor Mahish Ahmedov was appointed the Chairman of the Methodological and Organizational Security of Teaching, Head of the Department “Economic Theory, Professor Alijan Babayev the Chairman of the Quality Assurance Department and Head of the Department of “Economy and Administration of Social Sphere, Professor Ali Alirzayev Chairman of the section Scientific and Methodological Provision.
Vice- rector of the University for Education and Training Technologies, Professor Damat Baghirov was elected the Deputy Chairman of the Training Methodological Board and Dean of the School of “Accounting” Niyazi Ismayilov became the Scientific Secretary of the Board.
Members of the Board also discussed the issue of the distribution of teaching load on the Department of “International Economics” in Azerbaijani established during the Scientific Council of UNEC. It was decided that the Department will carry out the activity under the department of “International Economic Relations”. Teaching of the disciplines for undergraduate level of education such as International Investments, International Monetary Fund and International Economics, International Economic Integration, International Economic Organizations, World Economy, Geo- economics and History of World Economy and for the graduate level Modern Problems of World Economy, Geo- economics, International Competitiveness of National Economy, Trans- nationalization and Processes of Economic Integration, Geo- economic Model of Country, Methods of Determining the Economic Efficiency of the Foreign Economic Activity will be provided by the Department.
Distribution of the teaching load among the teaching staff members on the disciplines of the Department of “International Economy” was instructed to the Training Methodological Center of UNEC.