An international forum titled “From Waste to Value for a Sustainable Future” was held in Baku under the theme “Solidarity for a Green World.” The forum, organized by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and the “Clean City” OJSC, with the executive partnership of “EcoHub,” aimed to promote environmental protection, collective action towards a sustainable future, ecological solidarity, and governance in Azerbaijan’s leadership role on a global scale. It also focused on spreading best practices and innovative approaches in waste management, while enhancing collaboration.
The event featured the participation of UN representatives, various international organizations, and foreign delegates. In the panel discussion titled “Promoting Youth and Public Engagement for More Sustainable Practices in Waste Management,” Könül Bayramova, a third-year student of the “Ecology” major at the Faculty of Economics and Management at UNEC, served as the moderator.
At the conclusion of the forum, participating organizations and companies adopted the “Zero Waste” Baku Initiative, which promotes sustainable waste management practices, innovative packaging solutions, recycling, and waste reduction strategies.