More than 50 rectors and university representatives from Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Hungary were represented at the event hosted by Ahmet Yesevi University and chaired by Omer Kojaman, the Deputy Secretary General of the Organization of Turkic States. Professor Adalat Muradov, the rector of UNEC, and associate professor Elshan Bagyrzadeh, advisor to the rector, also participated in the meeting.
At the opening of the meeting, the video message of the Speaker of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey, Mustafa Shentop, was heard. After the opening speeches, the 6th general meeting of the Union of Turkish Universities began, the issues on the agenda were discussed, and the election of the chairman for the next year was held.
For the years 2023-2024, UNEC has been elected as the Chairman of the Organization of Turkic States Turkic Universities Union. The rector of UNEC Professor Adalat Muradov will be the chairman of the union.
NOTE: Organization of Turkic States Turkic Universities Union was established in 2012 in order to implement cooperation in the field of higher education among the member countries of the Turkic World. Currently, the organization has about 50 members.