He was born on July 12, 2002 in Sverdlovsk region of the Russian Federation. In 2008, he entered the first grade of secondary school No. 53 in Yasamal district of Baku.
In 2019, he completed full secondary education at the same school, and he became the graduate. In the same year he was admitted to the faculty of Finance and Accounting of Azerbaijan State University of Economics, majoring in Finance.
In 2015-2020 academic year, he was the chairman of “Law Club”, a self-governing body established within the school.
In 2018/2019 academic years, he served as the president of the School “Small Academy” established by MEAR in general education institutions, and in the 2019/2020 academic year, he served as Chairman of the Board of the School “Small Academy”.
He resigned on 28.02.2020 with his application.
In 2016, he successfully completed “Step-by-Step Teaching of Children’s Rights” course and became a trainer.
In addition, on 15.07.2019-15.09.2019 he worked as a volunteer in Baku “ASAN service” center No. 3, and on 18.11.2019-19.01.2020 in Agency for Small and Medium Business Development of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
He is currently the chairman of “UNEC Volunteers”.