In order to ensure the implementation of the Decision No. 183 of the Scientific Council of UNEC on May 31, 2022, from 02.09.2022, the departments of “International Economy”, “Theoretical and Practical Economy”, “Economic Regulation” and “Economic Theory” were cancelled and the “Economy” department was established on their basis.
“The world experience of promotion to the export: the approaches and outcomes” (11.01.2018)
“Economics Classes” of UNEC (01.05.2017)
Success by UNEC’s Young Teachers (29.03.2017)
Curricula of the Disciplines “Geo- economics” and “Modern Problems of the World Economy” are discussed (29.04.2016)
UNEC Students’ increasing interest in Science (21.12.2015)
A new discipline at UNEC: “International Investments” (11.12.2015)
1. Dr of Econ., Prof. Kerimli Irshad Abdul (head of the department) (0.5)
2. Dr of Econ., Prof. Guliyev Mushvig Yelmar (0.5)
3. Associate Professor Mammadov Muzaffar Kulu
4. PhD in Econ., Assoc.Prof. Rzayeva Vildan Zahid
5. PhD in Econ. Assoc.Prof.Baghirzade Elshan Rasul (Advisor to the Rector) (0.5)
6. PhD in Econ. Assoc.Prof. Garibli Emin Adil (Head of the Department of DPFEC) (0.5)
7. Doctor of Philosophy in Economics Eyvazov Elchin Tahmas (0.5) (Dean of the faculty of “Economics”)
8. Head teacher Samadov Parviz Habib (0.5) (Secretary of the Faculty of Economics)
9. Head teacher Shirvanova Tarana Amiraga
10. lector. Jamalov Rovshan Elshan (0,5)
11. lector Valiyeva Gunay Jacob (0.5)
13. lector Aliyeva Abuhayat Mushravan (0.5)
14. teacher Azimzade Aslan Javid (0.5)