An international scientific competition on “Science Slam” has started at UNEC. The projects targeted in popularization of the science, especially in stimulating scientific activity among the students was realized at the university for the first time in our country. Students of the Faculties Commodity Research and Technology and Design joined the event organized by the SSS.
A scientific advisor of the SSS Chairman, Assistant Professor Emin Garibli informed the participants about the competition Science Slam. He said the scientific research made by rapporteurs are listened at the university, in accordance with the conditions of the project. The project’s significance lies in the fact that the hearings only in an informal atmosphere, accompanied by music and visual goruntulərlərin underway. The audience applauds their favorite research work, researchers have won more applause is considered the winner.
Speaking about the experience of Germany, Russia, Turkey and other European countries, the SSS Chairman Avazagha Malikov highlighted the significance of the “Science Slam” in our country in transforming oil capital into the human.
The event went on with students’ presentations. The audience defined the best works with applauds. Lala Orujova became the winner of I place. II and III places were shared between Faig Talibli and Zohra Shikhiyeva. To determine applauds, the device was used.
E.Garibli said that our university would host a Republic- wide Competition Science Slam by UNEC Rector, Professor Adalat Muradov’s initiative.