She was born on January 20, 1957 in Baku.
In 1979 she graduated with honors from the faculty of English and German of Azerbaijan Institute of Foreign Languages (now Azerbaijan University of Languages).
Since 1986, she has worked as an engineer in the technical department of the Azneftproneftehim research institute.
Since 1991, she has worked as an English teacher at secondary school No. 134, and has held the position of Methodist of the English Department.
In 1999, she traveled to Miami (USA) for a month on a special program.
Since 2000, she has been working as an English teacher at Azerbaijan State University of Economics.
In 2002, she participated in the training “Modern School of Tomorrow” in Moscow and received a diploma in the Software Program.
She is currently a senior lecturer at the UNEC Department of Foreign Languages.
Scientific Articles
Contract of the Century (Dünyada yeni inkişaf meylləri istiqamərində türk dünyası, Azərbaycan və Türkiyə beynəlxalq elmi-praktik simpoziumun meterialları, Bakı-2004)
Методическое пособие по планированию урока с учетом интерактивной коммуникации для неязыковых вузов.
Müasir İnqilis dilinin qədim qohum dil əlaqələri, onun lüğət tərkibində işlənən skandinaviya və qərbi avropa dikkırindən alınma sözlərin leksik və semantik xüsusiyyətləri (Filologiya məsələləri, Baki-2010)