Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Semiconductor Physics, BSU
Institute of Physical Problems, Department of Semiconductor Physics, Leading Research Worker
Work Phone: + (994) 124390693
e-mail: [email protected]
Short biographical information:
1960, Lachin, Azerbaijan
Education, scientific degrees and scientific names:
1982 Azerbaijan State University
Candidate of Phys. and Math. Scien. 1989 „Photoelectric properties of Cd1-xZnx S thin layers and n and p-type CdS: Cu monocrystals.”
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, 2007, “ Electron processes in monocrystals of some AIIBVI-like compounds and their chemical solids”
Labor activity:
1982-1986 Postgraduate student of the ANAS Institute of Physics
1982-1991 Institute of Applied Physics, Engineer-Research worker
1991-1993 Photo Electronics STI – Senior Researcher
1994 -2005 Head of STL of in Solid State Electronics
Since 2005 – Institute of Physical Problems, BSU, Leading Researcher
Since 2010, Professor of the Department of Semiconductor Physics at BSU.
Solid State Physics, Solid State Electronics and Micro Electronics, Devices of Solid State Electronics, Physical Basics of Nano electronics, Semiconductor Physics, Optoelectronics, Optoelectronic Equipment-Courses
More than 250 scientific papers, 100 scientific articles, 40 conference materials, reports in more than 80 international conferences
He is the author of 6 patents.
Participation in international seminars, symposiums and conferences
The main results were reported and discussed at the following conferences: “Physical Processes in Semiconductor Heterocycles” (Kaluga, 1990), “Deep Levels in Semiconductors” (Tashkent, 1991) “Photoelectric Events in Semiconductors” (Ashgabat, 1991), all-union Scientific Conferences, “Thin Layers and Surface Events” (Taiwan, 1994), “Deep Levels in Semiconductors and Semiconductor Structures” (Ulyanov 1997), “Scientific Problems of Semiconductor Materials” (Chernovtsy: 1997, 1999), “Actual Problems of Solid State Electronics and Microelectronics” (Taganrog, 2000, 2002, 2004), “Photoelectrics and night vision devices” (Moscow 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006), “Inorganic Materials” (Santa Barbara, 2000, 2002, Edinburg 2002), “Physical and Technical Problems of High Energy” (Baku-2002, Tabriz -2004, Ankara 2006), “Amorphous and Microcrystalline Semiconductors” (St. Petersburg: 2002, 2004), “Physical and Technical Problems of High Energy” (Baku-2002, Tabriz -2004, Ankara 2006), “Amorphous and Microcrystalline Semiconductors” (St. Petersburg: 2002, 2004), “Physics of Semiconductors” (Edinburgh 2002), “Flat layers and nanostructured photofoltaic materials” (Strasbourg, 2003, 2005, 2007), «Opto-, nanoelectronics, nanotechnology and microsystems» (Ulyanov-2004, 2006, 2007, 2008), “Actual problems of physics” (Baku: 2008) International scientific conferences, etc. *