Associate Professor Niyazi Musa Ismayılov
He was born in Charaka village, Goychay region of the Republic of Azerbaijan on February 11, 1963, and graduated Ujar city secondary school No 1 in 1980. He served in army within 1981 – 1983.
In 1984, he entered as a full time student into the Institute of National Economy of Azerbaijan named after D. Bunyadzade, the faculty on accounting – economy, on the specialty of ‘Accounting and analysis of business activities’ and upon graduation of the Baku branch of Leningrad Finance-Economy Institute named after N.A. Voznesenski with honour diploma with ‘Lenin scholarship’ in 1988, he received a complete higher education. In 1988, he was recruited to the chair on ‘Business activity and analysis of production efficiency’.
He defended his dissertation on the specialty 08.00.12 ‘Accounting, statistics’ on December 29, 1992 at the Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov and by the decision of the Supreme Attestation Committee of the Russian Federation he was titled with the PhD degree in Economics. In 2001, he was admitted to the doctorate school of the chair of ‘Accounting, analysis and audit’ at the Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov and completed that doctorate dissertation with success.
In 1993-2000 he worked as teacher, senior teacher and associate professor at the chairs of ASEU like ‘Business activity and analysis of production efficiency’, ‘Economic analysis’, in 2005 – 2006 functioned as deputy dean on academic issues at ‘Accounting – economy’ faculty. Currently he is the associate professor of ‘Economic analysis and audit’ chair and dean at the ‘Accounting – economy’ faculty.
By the Decree No 1749, date of September 26, 2011 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, he was awarded with ‘Taraggi’ (Progress) medal.