Can. of. Econ., Assist. Prof. Rzayev Zakhid Huseyn
He was born on March 4, 1960 in the region Shusha of Azerbaijan republic.
In 1981 he graduated from Azerbaijan State University (now Baku State University) with honors diploma.
In 1981-1984 he was a post-graduate student of the Cybernetics Institute of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.
In 1986, he defended his dissertation at the same institute. He is a candidate of economic sciences.
1984-1991 – scientific worker at the Institute of Cybernetics of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences;
In 1991-2004 he was the assistant professor of the Azerbaijan State Oil Academy.
Since 2004 is an employee of the Ministry of Taxes of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
Since 2006, he has been the assistant professor (0,5) of “Financial and Financial Institutions” of Azerbaijan State University of Economics .
Currently associate professor of the epartment of “Economics and Management” at UNEC.
He is the author of more than 40 scientific and methodical works.
Married, has two children.