Khenethong Sisouvong, a graduate of UNEC from Laos, visited the university where he graduated after 40 years.
The members of the Vietnam-Azerbaijan and Lao-Azerbaijan Friendship Associations, who were on a visit to our country under the joint organization of the State Committee for Diaspora Affairs and the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, who studied in Azerbaijan, also visited UNEC together with Khenethong Sisouvong.
Khenethong Sisouvong, who is currently the vice-president of the Laos-Azerbaijan Friendship Association, studied at the Azerbaijan State University of Economics in 1980-1984, majoring in “Management of the National Economy”. Returning to his homeland after graduation, K. Sisouvong was promoted to the position of deputy minister of planning and innovation of the Lao Socialist Republic.
He shared his impressions and said: “I was very happy and moved by the opportunity to come to Azerbaijan and see my native UNEC again. This place is beloved for me, because I have spent my best years, my student period here, I made many friends. I always remember my teachers who taught me with great love.”