UNEC – is the research university

UNEC is actively integrated into the world of science. International conferences, forums and scientific seminars are annually arranged concerning traditional and new challenges of the economy with the participation of world famous scientists. Online videoconferences are also organized together with leading universities from USA, Europe, CIS and Asia. Scientists of UNEC deliver speech, make discussions and exchange views at international scientific conferences and well-known research centers of the world.
UNEC is the active participant of international scientific-innovation projects of European Council (TASİS, TEMPUS, ERASMUS, SOKRATES), USA (Fubright), a number of international economic organizations (UN, UNCTAD, World Bank, DTB).
The Scientific-Research Institute of Economic Studies was established for the first time in the field of economic education in 2009 with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the republic of Azerbaijan, which became a driving idea and innovation centre in a very short period.
The number of articles of UNEC scientists on international scientific reviews is steadily increasing each year, improving the position of our University in the world rating.
There are Councils operated in UNEC on defending of dissertations related to following scientific directions: Economics, Macro-economy, Finance, Money turnover and credit, World economy.
The publication “Economic University” actively publishes scientific monographs, training-methodological materials and analytical reviews.
UNEC also publishes “Economic sciences: theory and practice” and “Geo-economy” journals, as well as “Economist” newspaper.
The journals “Scientific news” and ” Economic sciences: theory and practice” are published at UNEC.
Organization and management of scientific activity
- to involve professors-teachers of the University in recent local and international scientific and innovation processes, while actively drawing them into scientific-research activities, as well as to ensure participation of students in those activities;
- to apply scientific achievements at the University for developing modern fields of the science of economy, upgrading professional training and ensuring constant progress in education;
- to apply modern scientific-innovative methods in the research process and education system;
- to improve management of the scientific-research system at the University;
- to study opportunities of and facilitate constant improvement of scientific intellect and skills of professors and teachers of the University;
- to form scientific school and directions;
- to determine complex topics on scientific-methodological and scientific-technological profile;
- to organize the preparation, defence and management of doctorate dissertations at the University and adjust them to international standards;
- to strive for introduction of modern scientific experiences at the University, strengthening cooperation with relevant bodies of universities from a number of foreign countries;
- to form and develop the material-technical framework of the science at the University through attracting grants, state funds and financial resources based on self-sustaining contracts;
- to prepare, promote publications related to the science of economy, organize conferences, seminars and other scientific events;
- to provide information and preliminary advice on publication of articles of staff of the University on journals at international level;
- to raise awareness and provide advice on preparation of projects for the participation of staff of the University in grant competitions related to the development of the science announced by the Government of Azerbaijan and international organizations;
- to inform professors and teachers of the University about announcements in order to ensure their participation in conferences, seminars, trainings and other such kinds of events to be held in the country and abroad.