Project description
The main objective of the TEMPUS Program that covers countries considered as “EU neighbours” is to introduce best practices of EU leading countries in the field of higher education to partner countries and develop higher education institutions of those countries.
UNEC was for the first time winner of the Project “Development and improvement of university administration in the field of international relations” in the framework of Tempus IV – 6th Call in 2013 in the capacity of the partner and received grant funds worth EUR 653 908.71.
This project, whichis considered as Restructuring / Administration reforms Project according to TEMPUS classification, will play an important role in strengthening the administration on relevant directions in the national education system.
Partners of the Project coordinated by UNEC are followings:
European partners:
Azerbaijani partners:
Regional partners:
Partner state agencies (Ministries of Education):
Main objectives of the Project
Action Plan of the Project:
Following activities are going to be implemented within the three-year project:
Actions for 2013-2016:
November 2015
March 2016
May 2016
– Project information days
July 2015, UNEC, Azerbaijan
September 2015, KUNE, Ukraine
December 2015, KIU, Republic of Kyrgyzstan
May 2016, KSU, Tajikistan
– Final conference dedicated project outcomes
November 14-15 2016, UNEC, Azerbaijan