A seminar in connection of granting the right to publish (stamp) educational materials was held in the Science Department of UNEC.
Director of the Science Department, Professor Zahid Mammadov said one of the most important indicators of the status of science is the scientific publications of high quality. The main goal set towards is not publishing a textbook, but the producing a knowledge. Therefore, the departments should render attention to the development of quality programs, textbooks and teaching facilities and give them priority. Unfortunately, the issue is not approached with enough exigency. Sometimes, the authors are not interested in the discipline, its methodology and quality, but only in the number of publications.
The Professor highlighted that the stamp required for all the publications, programs and textbooks taken for all levels of the higher education and the secondary specialized education are provided only by the Ministry of Education. He provided the participants with the information about the rules for granting stamp to the educational materials.
Debates on the development of teaching facilities and textbooks were made and proposals were sounded within the workshop.