The relevant Srategic Plan for implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan “ On Approval of the Strategic Road Map in the National Economy and the Major Sectors of the Economy” has approved by the Ministry of Education. For realizing of this document, the “Strategic Plan of UNEC (for 2017-2020 years) for implementation of the measures envisaged in the Strategic Road Map on the Major Sectors of the National Economy has been approved at UNEC.
According to the Strategic Plan of UNEC, the upgrading courses for improving the knowledge and skills on ICT have been organized.
The two-days courses were attended by the employees of the “Informatics” , “Information Economy and Technologies” chairs and the employees of the Electronic Adiminstration, Distant, Correspondence and the Additional Education Centers and the E-university department.
The experts of the Company “Ultra Technologies” pointing to the example of the Electronic University model applied at UNEC, noted that this university successfully introduced the ICT.
The experts pointed out that, the information technologies was the fastest growing area in the world and they noted that there was the need for upgrading the knowledge in this direction on the regular basis. They spoke about the modern trends in ICT area, pointed out the contemporary teaching technologies used throughout the world.