The IV-th year student of the International Economics School of UNEC, Natavan Hasanzadeh successfully passed on the first two stages of the contest and got into the semifinals. N. Hasanzadeh, getting the education in the accounting and audit specialty successfully passed on the I-st stage and participated in the II-nd stage. In this stage the knowledge of the UNEC student on the PG products, volumes of sales, etc. was appreciated within 75 miunutes by the test exam method. N. Hasanzadeh successfully completed the II-nd stage and won the semifinals.
The semifinals of the “CEO Challenge” business keys contest will be held in the Turkish Republic, on January 23-24. The students coming from the different countries to compete for getting into the final, in case if they win, will present in the final stage in Panama their business case demonstrating their leadership, communication, analytics and teamworking skills among the most skilled and talented students of the World.
It should be noted that, being one of the largest consumers of the world, the company Procter&Gamble is considered one of the best 40 companies for developing the leadership skills.
We wish success to the UNEC student in “CEO Challenge” business keys contest!