The admission for undertaking an internship in the enterprise will be implemented through the interview. The internship program will be implemented by the “2×2 Consulting” Company and, as well as, by the leading banking and insurance companies of the country. The II, III and IV year bachelor degree level students and the I, II year master’s degree level students getting education in all UNEC specialties can participate in the interview.
As the result of the interview, 20 students in each section will be accepted to the enterprises for undertaking an internship and will be trained in different trainings according to the requirements of the labor market. To participate in the interview send your CV-s to [email protected]. Do not forget to mention the word “virtual company” in the “subject” line of the letter and the name of the module you want to participate (eg.: Virtual company–finance, Virtual company-tax, etc..). The acceptance of CV-s will continue until April 15, 2018. Each candidate can apply to only one module.
The contact number: +99 412 497 71 35, UNEC Career Center