...Universities of Turkey. Dean of the School of Turkic World of Business Administration of UNEC Ferrukh Tuzchuoghlu and Head of the Department Economics and Administration Fariz Ahmadov have been on......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-le-turkiye-universitetleri-arasinda-novbeti-raziliq-elde-olunub...Education of Turkey Republic and Azerbaijan State University of Economics has been announced. Mevlana Exchange Program is a program which aims the exchange of academic staff for ASUE in the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//international-relationsMeeting with UNEC Professors sent on business to the universities of Turkey has been held at Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC) on February 11. The professors said that the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-professorlari-turkiyenin-nufuzlu-universitetlerinde-tedrisin-teskilini-muzakire-ediblerUNEC Employees of the Faculty of Business and Management who made a trip to the Universities of Suleyman Demirel and Sakarya of Turkey hold a workshop to share their experiences.......
https://unec.edu.az/en//turkiye-universitetlerinde-seferde-olan-unec-muellimleri-tecrulerini-paylasiblarAmbassador of the Republic of Turkey to Azerbaijan Cahit Bagci met with UNEC students. At the invitation of the faculty of the Turkic World of Economics, the ambassador at UNEC......
https://unec.edu.az/en//turkiyenin-azerbaycandaki-sefiri-cahit-bagci-unec-telebeleri-ile-gorusub...makes assistance in organization of their events, as well as solution of problems. The Chief Adviser to the President of Turkey spoke about Turkey-Azerbaijan relations. He stressed that the entire......
https://unec.edu.az/en//yalcin-topcu-turkiye-ali-tehsil-muessiseleri-ile-unec-in-birlikde-emekdasligi-yeni-inkisaf-trendi-yaradacaq...prepare the inclusive education experience of UNEC along with the leading universities of Turkey in accordance with the international universal higher education standards and present it to Turkey’s YOK institution.......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-inkluziv-tehsil-modeli-turkiyede-kecirilen-beynelxalq-tedbirde-teqdim-olunubThe delegation headed by the rector of the Gazi University of Turkey Suleyman Boyukberber visited the Azerbaijan State University of Economics (ASUE). Firstly, guests got acquainted with MBA, the English......
https://unec.edu.az/en//turkiyenin-qazi-universitetinin-rektoru-adiu-da...of UNEC got one semester training courses at Hajettepe and Sakarya universities of Turkey and 1 student of the Suleyman Demirel University of Turkey at UNEC. Relevant measures are being......
https://unec.edu.az/en//international-cooperationDean: Aliyev Yusif Nadim Contact phone: +(994) 12 564-67-32 [email protected] [email protected] Deputy Dean: Mammadova Javahirkhanim Fuad Contact phone: +(994) 12 564-67-36 [email protected] [email protected] The Secretry to the facylty: Qurbanova Rena......
https://unec.edu.az/en//turkis-world-of-administration-facultyAnkara, 10 September, AZERTAC Rector of Azerbaijan State University of Economics, Dr. Adalat Muradov made an official visit to Turkey. Issues of developing the cooperation between Azerbaijan State University of......
https://unec.edu.az/en//adiu-nun-rektoru-turkiyede-semereli-gorusler-kecirib...at first got acquainted with the photo exhibition, reflecting the genocide. After the national anthems of Azerbaijan and Turkey had been sounded, the victims of the genocide were commomerated with......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-genc-muellimleri-turkiyede-xocali-soyqirimindan-behs-edibler...(The Caspian Sea Hydro policy: Turkey- Azerbaijan- Georgia Relations) was published in the well- known and prestigious publish house of Turkey “Doğu Kütüphanesi” (Eastern Library). The book consisting of 5......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-muelliminin-kitabi-turkiyede-cap-olunubRector of Inonu University of Turkey, Professor Ahmet Kizilay, has sent a letter to the rector of UNEC, Professor Adalat Muradov in support of Azerbaijan. Armenia’s military aggression against Azerbaijan......
https://unec.edu.az/en//turkiyenin-inonu-universiteti-azerbaycana-destek-meqsedile-unec-e-mektub-unvanlayibProfessor Shirin Karadeniz, the rector of the Bahçeşehir University of Turkey, visited UNEC. The possibilities of cooperation between both universities were discussed in the meeting with UNEC Rector Professor Adalat......