The journey of patience involves relaxing

10 APREL 2014 | VIEWS:

Today I Yelled at God and This is What Happened Next

Canada Goose sale Today I had a fight with God when I was driving in my car. Well, I don’t really call God God anymore, now that I no longer follow a traditional religious path, so in reality, I yelled at God Universe Higher Power Guardian Angel (and yes, I’m still trying out different names). Canada Goose sale

Canada Goose Outlet But that’s not really important to this story. What’s important is the fact that I yelled and I yelled (and thank god universe higher power guardian angel for Bluetooth, so other people on the road would just think I was yelling at someone on the phone). Canada Goose Outlet

canada goose store You see, I’m on a journey in search of my heart career. It’s an exciting experience, filled with joy, wonder canada goose black friday sale and meaning. But I’ve also experienced some suffering lately, because Canada Goose Jackets I’m in a holding pattern, waiting for god universe higher power guardian angel only knows what. canada goose store

I hate limbo and I get really impatient when I have to wait too long. Normally I do a great job of holding it all inside. In fact, typically I appear quite stoic in the face of suffering. But every so often, I get overwhelmed with negative thinking, and I begin to feel impatient because I’m really putting myself out there in a number of ways, and not much is happening, and I’m 54, and time is ticking, and that makes me angry. It also makes me afraid.

The hard thing about taking risks in order to follow our dreams is that we can’t do it alone we need the world to cooperate, which means we have to wait. Whatever the nature of our journey, eventually we need some kind of acknowledgment that we are on the right track in the form of getting answers, or having some successes, or actually achieving our dreams. Having to wait for what seems like forever can make us feel impatient and angry, because at some point, it can all start to feel rather unfair.

The truth is, I think it’s downright ridiculous that we have to endure so much uncertainty in this life, and all this waiting for the partner of our dreams to come along, for the child we so desperately want, for the financial deal to pay off, for our talents to finally be discovered.

canadian goose jacket So I yelled at the universe, my higher power, my guardian angel, because I was feeling impatient. And I yelled because I was feeling angry. And I yelled because today, I just didn’t have it in me to see the glass as half full. In fact, today I buy canada goose jacket wanted to take that glass and smash it against the wall (I was actually more practical though, and instead filled it full with some good red wine). But mostly, I yelled because I was feeling afraid. canadian goose jacket

uk canada goose outlet And then this happened. I came across a book entitled When Things Fall canada goose clearance sale Apart written by Pema Chdrn, an American who became a Buddhist nun after her husband left her for another woman, and her life fell apart. uk canada goose outlet

Canada canada goose outlet Goose Parka From the moment I began reading I knew this was an answer to my prayer (and by “prayer,” of course I’m mean the screaming tantrum inside of my car). Chapter after chapter I felt as though Chdrn was speaking directly to me, answering my questions, challenging my assumptions, and speaking to my soul. Canada Goose Parka

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Me: That’s exactly how I feel! I’m charging ahead, putting everything on the line, and yet I’m not quite sure where I’m going, or what I’m looking for. And I’m afraid that I will have rowed across an entire ocean for nothing. I don’t know how to keep going forward with all of this fear.

Chdrn: “Fear is a universal experience. Canada Goose Parka We react against the possibility of loneliness, of death, of not having anything to hold on to. Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.”

Me: I’ve been on a truth journey for some time now it’s the foundation of my life, or at least that’s my goal. But when I’m encouraged to shut out my fear and become more Canada Goose sale optimistic instead, no matter how hard I try to remain positive, I still canada goose store feel fear. How can I make my fear go away so that I can be more courageous?

Canada Goose Jackets Chdrn: “We don’t need that kind of encouragement, because dissociating from fear is what we do naturally. We habitually spin off and freak out when there’s even the merest hint of fear…. So the next time you encounter fear, consider yourself lucky. This is where the courage canada goose deals comes in. Usually we think that brave people have no fear. The truth is that they are intimate with fear.” Canada Goose Jackets

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canada goose factory sale Chdrn: “The opposite of patience is aggression the desire to jump and move, to push against our lives, to try to fill up space. The journey of patience involves relaxing, opening to what’s happening, experiencing a sense of wonder.” canada goose factory sale

Me: That’s what I want. I want to feel relaxed buy canada goose jacket cheap and open to whatever is happening. I want to feel wonder! But I worry that when an opportunity presents itself, and I do make a choice, it won’t be what I thought it would be, and I’ll be canada goose disappointed. How can anyone know they’re on the right path with all the uncertainty in this world?

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Canada Goose Online Me: I am an explorer, heading for unknown lands. I breathe in my anger and fear when I feel impatient, with the hope that others can be free of pain. I breathe out my happiness, wonder and courage with the hope that others can experience joy Canada Goose Online.

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