Chapter 24 of 2 Kings and chapter 36 of 2 Chronicles give

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Holy Temple Destruction

Canada Goose Online The Biblical narrative revealed many instances of the temple, a most famous landmark in the city of Jerusalem, and the pride of the Jewish people, being plundered and destroyed through out the course of the nation’s history. The first book of kings’ chapter 14 alluded to invasion of the country by king Shishak of Egypt approximately 933 BC looting and pillaging the temple. Chapter fifteen of first kings gives evidence about buy canada goose jacket Asa king of Judah, as he tried to form an alliance with Ben Hadad king of Damascus against king Baasha of Israel around 900 BC. The second book of King chapter 12 gives record ofJehoash king of Judah around 825 BC raiding hi9s own temple in order to pay King Hazael of Damascus, who was besieging the city of Jerusalem. Around 790 BC King Joash of Israel looted the temple as well (2 Kings 14). The temple was cheap Canada Goose looted again by King Ahaz of Judah, approximately 734 BC, in trying to persuade Tiglath pileser III of Assyria to join him against Pekah King of Israel and Rezin II of Damascus (2 Kings 16). King Hezekiah of Judah, around 712 BC is also guilty of raiding the temple, to pay king Sennacherib of Assyria, who was besieging the city of Jerusalem (2 Kings 18). Chapter 24 of 2 Kings and chapter 36 of 2 Chronicles give evidence of the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar II looting the temple on two separate occasions approximately 597 BC, and 586 BC however, he utterly destroyed the temple. Nebuchadnezzar burned it and took all temple treasures to Babylon (2 Kings 25; 2 Chr. 36; Isaiah 64). Approximately 538 Canada Goose online BCE, after fifty years of Babylonian captivity, the Persians became the dominant world ruling power. After the return and the construction were completed Jerusalem once again became the capital City of Judah and the center of Jewish worship. However this was not the final episode in the life of the Jewish people, their city and their temple. Canada Goose Online

Canada Goose Jackets Daniel the prophet (chap 2 11), then prophesied many more earth shattering events taking place that would affect the people of Jerusalem, in interpreting Nebuchadnezzar’ dream of an image and the vision of animals. As fulfillment to this prophecy history records that the Babylonian kingdom was the first world ruling power, followed by the second world ruling power, the Medes and Persians, then the third world power the Greeks under ruler Alexander the Great. The Romans became the fourth dominant world ruling Canada Goose Jackets power after the buy canada goose jacket cheap Greeks Daniel’s prophecy and the interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s image dream, coming to pass. The city of Jerusalem experienced one of their worst period in history under the third world power, the Grecian kingdom, surpassed only by the Romans. At the death of Alexander the Macedonian empire was split into separate kingdoms of four hostile generals. General Cassander ruled in Macedon, General Lysimachus ruled in Thrace, General Seleucus ruled in Mesopotamia and Persia, and General Ptolemy I Soter ruled in the Levant and Egypt. The city of Jerusalem fell under the realm of the Ptolemaic dynasty under General Ptolemy I ruling from Egypt. The city of Jerusalem and Judea was captured from General Ptolemy V by the Seleucids under Antiochus III, around 198 BC. He removed the sitting High Priests of Jerusalem, and appointed a political stooge in his place. One such Antiochus decree forbid Jewish sacrifice, Sabbaths and feasts days were banned and circumcision outlawed around 167 BC. He ordered the erection of altars to Greek gods on Jewish holy sites and canada goose black friday sale unclean animals forbidden to Jews worship were sacrificed on them. Antiochus ordered that a stature of Zeus be placed on the altar of the Temple, one of the canada goose clearance biggest insults to Jewish pride and their God, and to add insult to injury he ruled that possession of the Jewish scriptures to be a criminal offence. The attempts to change the image of Jerusalem from a Jewish city to a Hellenized city state under the Seleucid led by Antiochus Epiphanes came to a head in 168 BC. Known as the Maccabean revolt Mattathias the High Priest and his five sons raged guerrilla warfare against the Seleucid Empire defeating and driving out Antiochus and his army from the city. The Maccabean family with other Jews rebuilt and cleansed the temple, and reestablish Jerusalem as a Jewish capital. Canada Goose Jackets

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buy canada goose jacket cheap The Jews an independent minded people objected to Roman rule over Jerusalem and the region began to challenged them launching guerrilla warfare against them, known in history as the Great Jewish Revolt. This revolt resulted in the Second Temple being destroyed by Roman army general Titus in 70 AD. The series of Jewish revolts were seen as an objection to the intolerable conditions the people faced under the Romans. (1) Jewish Roman War (66 73) and (2) the Bar Kokhba revolt of (132 135) among others. However Hadrian 130 AD affected the most brutal changes, completely transforming the city to a Roman one, and renaming it “Aelia Capitolina” and banished all Jews. The Jews recaptured the city and Jerusalem once again served as the capital of Judea during the three year canadian goose jacket rebellion (132 135AD), known as the Canada Goose sale Bar Kockhba revolt according to canada goose clearance sale Josephus a canada goose deals Jewish historian. However in 135 AD, the Romans recaptured Jerusalem and as a punitive measure Hadrian banned the Jews from entering the city. Jerusalem was transformed entirely into canada goose store a pagan city, and Hadrian took the decision to punish the rebellious Jews by renaming the entire Judean Province as “Syria Palaestina”. This name is from the Biblical “Philistines” and was Hadrian attempt to put a stop to any future rebellion and remove all Jewish influence over Jerusalem. buy canada goose jacket cheap

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