I wonder what was said on May 8th

28 MART 2014 | VIEWS:

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A Federal Court judge has ruled that the Canada Revenue Agency violated provisions of its own act in the manner it dealt with members canada goose store of the UN gang in trying to get additional information from them about their source of income.

canada goose store The letters given to them RFIs or Requirements for Information were delivered by special CRA investigators with members of the gang task force present. The CRA said that was for the security of their officers. But Judge MIchael Phelan said it was an unnecessary show of force. The letters could have been sent by registered mail, he said. canada goose store

And he said the CRA violated privacy laws by discussing the tax information within earshot of the cops even though police have access to much of that information on their own. A similar case was won by the Hells Angels in the summer of 2008.

cheap Canada Goose So despite all the enforcement by police, it still appears tough for other government agencies to tackle the gang problem. cheap Canada Goose

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cheap canada goose uk And I have decided to leave the blog up and running until Monday so people can comment on this story and also part two of the Rupert Roueche story in the Province tomorrow. I ask people NOT to try to ID people. I remove real names because this is supposed to be an anonymous blog and there are cases before the courts that I don want to prejudice. cheap canada goose uk

canada goose clearance I hope you people realize this decision was a win for our (CANADIAN CITIZENS) freedoms, as it should be, a necessary evil. The fact that the CRA used these tactics to go after gangsters doesn matter. If they had won it would have been precedent setting and given them the power to go after ANYONE they like, sort of like the patriot act in the US suspect you are associated with terrorists, therefore we can throw your rights out the window. So while it may protect some of these people also protects every legitimate person out there. The issue is what happens when power falls into the wrong hands, the possibility isn that far off. Thank GOD the courts sided with the people, and not the government. This CRA stuff sounds like SS, Gestapo tactics. If you ever had to deal with these snakes (CRA) you agree they already have to much power and control to meddle in the lives of legitimate people. canada goose clearance

canada goose coats on sale Whatever you wanna call yourself today a retard. I have never met you but have heard lots in the circles about you. You were a hardcore scumbag to the max. So who are you to call the kettle black? You find god? That 4.5 million ya got to flip convert you? Your soul is that of a scumbag no matter how you try and change. You preach so much its actually funny. I think the psychology team at sfu would have a field day with you cause your delusional. Nobody can do the things you have in life and do a 10. Your a fraud and a rat. KIM SAYS: Who are you and what right do you have to trash someone who is trying to give some insight, regardless of his or her past? We really need people involved to come forward and provide information about what has gone on. People who have done terrible things can reform. All of you seem to think Clay has redeeming qualities even though he has committed serious crimes. gang problem. Clay has NOT admitted to the murders his gang was involved in. He pleaded guilty, then his lawyer tried to deny half the allegations at the sentencing hearing. Ya Kim ya retard and neither has Clay. He Hasn been charged with a single murder or act of violence. Nor can you PROVE he ordered any of it. But you spew your garbage on here like he is already convicted of it. And this article was an actual cop telling the truth about the corruption about his fellow cops. WHICH MAKES THE COPS GANGSTERS. So it is relevant. But we know you choose to turn a blind eye to this. The vpd are no different KIM SAYS: If and when there is ever evidence against the VPD like what has come out in Edmonton, I will report on it. Clay HAS pleaded guilty to many serious crimes. His own father admitted the gang Clay started has done murders, though he rationalized that no were killed. That, by the way, is not true. Talk to Dave Loeppky or the parents of Jon Barber, both shot (Barber fatally) The US judge ruled Clay was THE LEADER of the UN and the UN has been implicated in a number of murders. Clay is not charged but it is ridiculous to suggest he never knew anything about any of the shootings or murders the UN has been linked to. I can HARDLY WAIT to hear the rest of the wiretaps. I wonder what was said on May 8th, 2008 when Duane Meyer was shot? I wonder what was said in the hours before Jon Barber was shot on May 9, 2008? It will all come out. canada goose coats on sale

uk canada goose outlet I also noticed that someone put a hit on him in jail and he was stabbed in Unlike, what we seen with someone else, this is a person who knows how to make sophisticated noise and I did more reading up on the 2 million dollar settlement and if you have time you should read the fine print on what he got in exchange for paying the money to the victim. I glad she got money, but he got a lot in return for the payout canada goose coats on sale and he wanted the label removed prior to his first parole hearing, so that must be coming up. so 4 5 years is a joke really. The last line of the article says it all. uk canada goose outlet

Canada Goose online To Alex or any UN gang member out there: The government has made up it mind to go after you and with unlimited resources I don see how you can possible fight the government? It a losing war! I hear your side of the argument I really do, however, you must know now that they did what they did to Clay they can do to any one of you. Mexico (or any other country for that matter) can refuse you entry and put you on a plane back from Tokyo, Hong Kong, or anywhere else for that matter through Seattle where you are met with ICE agents and end up doing serious hard time like Clay. Is it worth that risk? Or now you just don travel? I mean seems like the more you try and be different the more restrictions your putting on yourself. Just an observation. Canada Goose online

Canada Goose Coats On Sale The police are not bigger gangsters than the gangster themselves. They are not killing gangsters. We all have our faults but Mo has lots of truth in what he says. The problem I think is we have a flawed system now where your in more trouble if you tell the truth than if you lie. Where lying is justified. I would have respected and forgiven in a heart beat the officers who taserd at the airport. Do you honestly think they wanted what happened to have happened? They have an unbelievable stressful job and they made a mistake. The results should have been the same. Off on stress leave and work at more effect compassionate ways to deal with issues. We learn from our mistakes. I also would have had more respect for Clay if he to apologized to more than just his family. I am sure to those who know him he has some wonderful qualities and that is why you love him. Last post I swear you guys are probably getting sick of me by now. Gabor Mate has an awesome book In the realm of Hungry Ghosts might make a good holiday read. Best Wishes to All! Canada Goose Coats On Sale

Canada Goose Outlet Hal Neumann took on the CRA. Look him up he won 1.3 million. Tem we have these Charters of rights for a reason. What are you doing for money now? Do you want your tax paying dollars to pay for these criminals while they are on welfare because know one will hire them. In theory what you say makes sense but you need to research it more. I thought crime rate was actually down. The police are taking wonderful initiative going into the high schools and reinforcing gangster life is not the option to take. Gun and violence is a dead end. That is a step in the right direction. Whether we want to admit it or not the next generation will legalize marijuana and we will look back in surprise how much money thy put into our society. Canada Goose Outlet

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Up until now, or, as of late, I had really believed that the only damage that we can effect against the gangster, was by somehow limiting or taking away their charter of rights, the same canadian charter of rights that have made Canada one of the greatest countries in the world But, that these great laws, these great charter that protected us from ourselves that make us the free and democratic country the great success that it is that we indeed, are there does need to be some manner, in which we can label criminals, drug dealers, gangsters we canada goose deals have to find a middle ground, that these animals, in some cases, canada goose clearance sale like with the bacon family in particular, monsters, that we need to if not able to imprison these monsters, these weasels and leaches on our society, that we need to at minimum forever monitor these type, and limit their rights and claim to the charter in such, limit their ability to even call themselves Canadian as Canadians, by and large are great people! We have to be careful in enacting tough laws, laws that would focus on the very worst in society, to not get caught up and lost to what history has taught us as to be ever so careful not to lose our sense of restraint that in the spirit of rehabilitation, such as most https://www.canadagoose-jackets-online.com of our laws that have preceded, been made with rehabilition in mind We must be canada goose outlet ever so careful not to become a police society, the likes of which can be witnessed in states like texas, the great state of the Bush family, and where they execute retarded minors, and are quick to kill in the name of justice! no, we must strive to maintain our canadian flavor of justice and rehabilitation, but while at the same time, we must PRESSURIZE our politicians, we must change our laws to limit the protections of the everyday criminal, where in some cases they seem to have equal and even more rights than the victim!!!! THIS HAS TO CHANGE! WE CAN BLAME OUR POLICE WHEN WE DON GIVE THEM THE MANDATE TO HANDLE BUSINESS!!! LETS SET UP SOME CRITERIA TO DETERMINE WHEN A PERSON IS TO QUALIFY AS A GANG MEMBER/LIFETIME CRIMINAL/DRUG DEALER AND TO CREATE A DATABASE WHICH TO REFER TO THAT WILL FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES MONITOR THEM, AND THESE SELECT FEW, WILL LOSE THEIR CHARTER OF RIGHTS, OR AT LEAST HAVE THEIR cheap Canada Goose RIGHTS LIMITED LETS MAKE IT FEESIBLE FOR THE POLICE TO HAVE MANDATE Canada Goose Parka TO KEEP THESE CREEPS IN CHECK, AND IF THEY CONTINUE ABOUT THEIR CRIMINAL LIFESTYLE, TO KEEP THEM LOCKED UP AND GIVEN FURTHER CHANC E TO REHABILITATE TO KEEP THESE MEN LOCKED UP UNTIL THEY ARE READY TO CHANGE, AND UNTIL THEY HAVE REALLY SHOWN THAT THEY ARE READY TO INTEGRATE BACK INTO SOCIETY. THAT THESE CRIMINALS ONCE RELEASED, SHOULD BE RELEASED WITH THE SAME LIMITED RIGHTS TO THE CHARTER, SO AS FOR THE POLICE TO MAKE IT EASIER TO HOLD ACCOUNTABLE, AND FOR THE POLICE TO HAVE THE ABILITY TO DO THEIR JOBS. SO IT IS THIS, AND THE CHANGES THAT WE NEED TO MAKE TO THE CANADIAN TAX LAWS, THE ABILITY TO MAKE IT ALOT EASIER FOR THE TAXMAN TO SEARCH FOR AND FIND CRIMINAL PROCEEDS FOR THESE PROCEEDS canadian goose jacket TO BE USED TO FUND VICTIMS OF CRIME PROGRAMS AND DRUG REHAB PROGRAMS ALSO, THAT ALL OF THIS PROTECTION THAT THESE VERY DIRTY LAWYERS ARE RECEIVING, ALL OF THIS CASH THAT THEY GET AND OBVIOUSLY AREN REPORTING WE NEED TO GO AFTER THAT BECAUSE THERE ARE GREAT SUMS OF CASH THAT ARE SO EASILY IDENTIFIABLE AS PROCEEDS OF CRIME AS THAT USED TO FUND DEFENSE LAWYERS canada goose THEY DO SO IN THE STATES, AND THIS REALLY NEEDS TO HAPPEN I PERSONALLY KNOW OF LAWYERS THAT TAKE LEGAL AID, AND THEN TAKE CASH ON THE SIDE THAT GETS DROPPED OFF TO THEM IN A SHOE BOX OR PLASTIC BAG I, MYSELF, BEING AN ACTIVE canada goose black friday sale PARTICIPANT AND DONE SO IN MY OWN DEFENSE IN THE canada goose clearance PAST THE MAJORITY, IF NOT ALL EVERY SINGLE HIGH PROFILE CRIMINAL, AND ESPECIALLY, GANG MEMBERS LIKE THE HELLS ANGELS, IS, RS, THAT THEY ARE ONE HUNDRED PERCENT BEING DEFENDED BY CORRUPT ATTORNEYS THAT USE BOTH LEGAL AID, AND THE OLD CASH UNDER THE TABLE OR ON THE SIDE AND THOSE THAT ARE BEING PAID CASH OR BY AN ACCUSED, THAT ONE HUNDRED PERCENT OF THAT MONEY IS PROCEEDS OF CRIME, AND THOSE ARE LAWS THAT WE NEED TO BRING IN AND ABOUT NOW!!! THIS IS NO SECRET, AND NOW IS THE TIME FOR ALL OF US TO GET ON TOP OF OUR REPRESENTATIVES AND MAKE THEM BRING IN LAWS, BECAUSE THIS IS JUST DISGUSTING AND NO HOPE WHILE THESE MONSTERS, AND BELIEVE ME IT IS THE WORST OF THE WORST THAT ARE THE ONES THAT CAN AFFORD TO PAY FOR THESE ATTORNEYS, AND THESE SAME ATTORNEYS, DO SO, TAKING WHAT THEY KNOW IS PROCEEDS OF CRIME, CASH PAYMENTS, NEVER REPORTED OR EVEN GIVEN RECEIPT BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT THERE IS NO WORRIES OR NO CROWN OR POLICE ARE GOING TO RISK GOING AFTER THEM!!! THIS HAS TO CHANGE!!! canada goose uk outlet

Canada Goose Online I recommend that you read the decision before commenting so you understand what faced the judge. As a consequence, the RFIs are invalid. As the Judge pointed out the two CRA employees broke the law by providing confidential taxpayer information to police without warrants and further [22] On at least one occasion, Gomez provided the police upon request, and after effecting service, with the names, addresses and dates of birth of the persons served as well as details of their respective spouses/partners. The information came from the CRA’s tax information system. The explanation for this disclosure was in response to a police request to know where they had been and what they had been doing. [23] There is no evidence that Fjoser or Gomez took any steps or initiated any procedures to keep taxpayer information secure or to limit its use. As a result the judge notes they broke the law and they both could well have been charged under the quasi criminal provisions of the Act for these actions (Para 94).: guilty of an offence and liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $5,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months, or to both. As the judge notes canada goose coats this illegal activity was systemic and completely outside the pale: [95] The Act does not contemplate specific consequences for a systemic, rather than individual, breach of the privacy provisions not because it is not a punishable offence, but because such an act is unthinkable given the buy canada goose jacket functioning of the Act. A couple of bureaucrats who cannot even read and follow their own legislation. No wonder there are problems in convicting members of organized crime groups. Canada Goose Online

uk canada goose Hey Mo, you seem to hate all these ppl so bad and have a! tracked mind what you gotta say about this? EDMONTON A tyrannical of silence among city police drove a rookie constable to quit rather than tell his superiors he saw fellow officers commit crimes, the Law Enforcement Review Board heard Thursday. Former constable Jerry Hove, 39, testified under oath he feared his colleagues in downtown division squad C 2 would ruin his reputation and his career if he came forward. was also led to believe that I should be fearful for my and my family safety by members of the squad, Hove said. that point, I decided it was better if I said nothing. This happens everyday, vpd is one of the worst and i happen to know someone that had this exact thing happen too. The police are bigger gangsters than the gangsters themselves. They just lie and pretend to idiots like you that they aren Or what about gordon cambell and the bc rail? How is it those emails just disappeared? They are so crooked and are stealing all our money and stressing out every family in BC but do you say anything? NO of course not cause your a blind sheep that does as your told. I respect people like CLAY cause he w=admits what he is, and is proud of it. The cops and politicians are no diferent, but they just lie and pretend to be something different to please dumbasses like yourself. gang problem. Clay has NOT admitted to the murders his gang was involved in. He pleaded guilty, then his lawyer tried to deny half the allegations at the sentencing hearing. uk canada goose

Hey Kim, how can we get a list of all the defendants in this case? KIM SAYS: Here is a quote from the late Elliott Castaneda affidavit: my knowledge the following mourners have been targeted in the project: Jorge Barreiro, Elliot Castaneda, Koth Chanthapathet, Vince Tyler Claassen, Robert Fee, Canada Goose sale Daryl Johnson, Kiet Than Kha, Zubin Alex Ling, Duane Meyer, Ryan Murphy, Mike Van Nguyen, Khamsook Siharaj, Lee Tanaka and Steven Yip. There was one more complainant in the case Bich Siharaj. This is not to say others did NOT get letters but we only know about the ones who filed the challenge.

canada goose Hey morals death is far from killing someone. I have no victims. I don kill anyone. I don use drugs. I don sell drugs. Gangsters make victims of us all. Some lowlife scum rips you off and inevitably it can be traced back to criminals who need drug money. Face it gangster bodies will keep turning up at crime scenes. That the reality of the worthless lifestyle choice/subculture membership. Clay and his buddies and all the gangster scum are involved in killing even if it killing by way of drugs. Gangsters are beyond compassion. They know the lifestyle hazards so getting out of the gang life is usually a fairly limited option. They murder each other. They poison their communities. They slowly kill off their customers canada goose.

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