After that, it wasn’t much of a stretch for Jessica to become

02 APREL 2014 | VIEWS:

The Queen of Bitter Evil Ex Wives

They couldn’t have been more opposites when they met in high school Canada Goose Parka in 1989. Alan Bates was active in school activities and was considered popular by his peers. Jessica, on the other hand, was considered a “Goth” and, even in a group of kids known for their antisocial natures, not completely accepted by her peers.

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By now, the couple had two daughters and they were both quite aware they were staying together only because of the children. Alan loved his girls more than he hated his marriage, so he tried to tough it Canada Goose online out. Jessica, alternatively, continued her foot stomping, princess act but added a helping of extramarital affairs to the mix.

Jessica’s infidelity was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. By 1994, Alan had decided it was time to toss in the towel.

And The Battle BeginsDomestic princesses are notorious for wanting their cake and to eat it too. Jessica was none too happy when Alan filed for divorce, but realizing her soon to be ex husband wasn’t going to insist on custody of the girls and was willing to pay child support, she softened up and things between the couple became amicable.

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Jessica Bates was jealous of Terra and hated the idea of her girls having a stepmother. When Alan and Terra wed in June 2000, you could almost hear Jessica saying, “Oh hell no!” Not to be outdone, in the same month, Jessica married Jeff McCord, a sheriff’s deputy she met through her job as a Birmingham Police dispatcher.

The battle began with Jessica making excuses to shorten Alan’s visitation and placing restrictions on what he could do or who he could be around during his time with the girls. Although at first Alan tried to somewhat oblige her demands for the sake of the children, he finally took the matter to family Court. There Jessica got a quick lesson in post divorce control; that is, you have none.

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Again, Alan took the matter before a Judge. Again Jessica was lectured and threatened not to interfere with Alan’s custody time. Again Jessica didn’t care.

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When All Else Fails, Try MurderJessica McCord wasn’t stupid, she sensed what was coming. She realized she’d pushed the Court as far as she could and her mommy card was expired. Jessica could not would not allow Terra to raise her daughters; and frankly, she needed that child support. Jessica had lost her job as a dispatcher and she and Jeff had a mountain of debt.

While serving her ten days for contempt, Jessica read a murder mystery. It was from that Jessica began forming a plan in her mind which would ensure she would never lose custody.

buy canada goose jacket cheap Alan and Tera walked to the McCords’ front door and there a posted sign read, “Come to the back. We’re having trouble with the front door.” Around back, Jessica greeted them, invited them into the family room, and offered them a seat on the leather couch. Under the guise of getting the girls, Jessica exited the room. buy canada goose jacket cheap

As they waited, they exchanged small talk among themselves undoubtedly weary by Jessica’s seemingly cordial demeanor, Jeff suddenly entered the room and fired four shots into each of their bodies. It happened so quickly that there was no time for the couple to try and defend themselves.

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Police immediately interviewed Jeff at work. He didn’t seem to be concerned about the Bateses death or that Canada Goose Jackets he was being questioned about it. He told officers that Alan Canada Goose sale and his wife had never showed up to pick up the canadian goose jacket girls. He continued by saying he and Jessica had carried on with their belated Valentine’s Day plans after taking the girls to Jessica’s mother. He even produced two ticket stubs to a showing of Lord of the Rings.

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