He was born in 1961 in Barda region.
In 1978 he graduated from secondary school with a golden medal.
In 1978 he entered the faculty of “Applied Mathematics” of Azerbaijan State University (present Baku State University).
He graduated from the university in 1983.
In 1986 he entered the postgraduate course of Rostov State University. In 1990, he defended his thesis on the theme “Investigation of the tension-deformation state of the cylinder on the basis of three-dimensional equations of elasticity theory”.
In 2009, he defended his doctoral dissertation on “Asymptotic Analysis of some three dimensional issues of elasticity theory for non-human coatings.”
In 1983-1986 he worked at the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of ANAS.
In 1986-1990 he was a postgraduate student at Rostov State University.
He has worked at Baku State University since 1991.
1993-1994 – teacher at the Department of Applied Mathematics, BSU;
1994-1995 – Senior teacher at the Department of Applied Mathematics;
Associate Professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics in 1995-2000;
Since 2002 she has worked as an assistant professor at the department of “Mathematical methods of applied analysis”.
Currently he is the professor of Azerbaijan State University of Economics;
Currently he is the professor of Azerbaijan State University of Economics; head of the department of «Mathematics and statistics».
He is the author of 42 scientific articles, 2 methodical aids, 1 textbook and 1 monograph.
Married, has two children.