Event dedicated to the 25th anniversary of UN- Azerbaijan Cooperation has been held in the “Young Diplomats’ Club” of the Russian School of Economics of UNEC.
The moderator of the event, Deputy Director of the Russian School of Economics Anar Eyyubov spoke about the cooperation ties of Azerbaijan and the UN. It was said that the Republic of Azerbaijan appealed to become a member of the United Nations Organization to the General Assembly of the UN and the world states after the restoration the state independence on October 29 1991. A resolution about the Azerbaijan’s membership to the organization was adopted during the 46thsession of the General Assembly of the UN held on March 2 1992. The 181st member’s – Azerbaijan’s flag was erected in front of the UN Headquarters in New York.
Students made presentations on the performances of the UN in different areas. It was noted that 18 agencies of the UN are being performing in Azerbaijan and they assist people with low welfare.
An employee of the Russian School of Economics Vusal Abasov made a report on the bodies under the UN. At the same time, he highlighted that the Youth Model of the UN has been successfully performing at UNEC.
At the end of the event, Director of the Russian School of Economics, Associate Professor Mansur Barkhudarov invited the members of the “Young Diplomats Club” to be active and initiative within the events.