...təsir faktoru həftəlik hesablanır və ictimaiyyətə təqdim olunur. (http://oaji.net/journal-detail.html?number=3495) International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR) əsas beynəlxalq jurnalların və tədqiqat materiallarının indeksə edilməsini təmin edir və impact faktorunu hesablayır. İndeksin......
https://unec.edu.az/unec-elmi-jurnali-beynelxalq-indekslerde-yer-alib...Now, thanks to me, he is trying to take over the world. Last I heard, he was running for presidency of the United States. Due to her sarcasm, shrewdness and......
https://unec.edu.az/looks-like-there-is-another-design-hotel-option...wigs for children, helping to restore their confidence and self esteem. You can also come to our wellness center where we have expanded offerings to assist with the struggles that......