...party passing through the difficult and honourable path within 25 years had become the strongest party of Azerbaijan today. He stated that the hundred thousands people consolidated in the ranks......
https://unec.edu.az/en//yap-siralarinda-birlesen-yuz-minlerle-insan-ulu-onderin-olmez-ideyalarinin-davamcilaridir...Dear Rectors and Professors, Ladies and Gentlemen. It is an honor to be here among you today and I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Adalet Muradov......
https://unec.edu.az/en//bmt-nin-rezident-elaqelendiricisi-cenab-qulam-m-isakzainin-sosial-iqtisadi-inkisafda-tehsilin-rolu-movzusunda-kecirilen-konfransdaki-nitqiHead of the center: Mirzayeva Gulnar Ismayil Address: UNEC IV campus building, Abbas Sahhat street, 45A Contact number: +(994) 12 449-91-13 e-mail: [email protected]......
https://unec.edu.az/en//nizami-gencevi-adina-dayaniqli-inkisaf-ve-yasil-iqtisadiyyat-tedqiqat-merkezi...said today for the first time among the universities of higher education institutions of Azerbaijan education system the ceremony of signing the “Teaching Staff’s Ethical Guidelines” by the Ministry of......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-genc-muellimleri-and-icdi...Accord Marble- Granite LTD, Code Academy, Retail Group and EduMedia participated in the event. The companies offered UNEC’s undergraduates and graduates internship programs and flextime vacancies. Note that, candidates require......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-karyera-gunu-kecirilib...to Azerbaijan State University of Economics applicants should know the number of their exam number, pin code and specialty code to be adopted. Applicants should submit the relevant documents to......
https://unec.edu.az/en//abituriyent2015Candidate of technical sciences, senior lecturer, . Gurbanov Sadig Hagverdi......
https://unec.edu.az/en//tex-e-n-b-m-qurbanov-sadiq-haqverdi...by Heydar Aliyev is today growing steadily with the political line determined by. In this sense, the value given by the Great Leader to Azerbaijan State University of Economics was......
https://unec.edu.az/en//umummilli-lider-heyder-eliyevin-azerbaycan-dovlet-iqtisad-universitetinin-qarsisina-qoydugu-vezifelerden-14-il-kecir...particular had identified the sustainable and strategic development directions. The field of education, approached with special care and attention by Heydar Aliyev is today growing steadily with the political line......
https://unec.edu.az/en//the-great-leader-s-recommendations...called this day the reporting moment: “Today we are reporting on the future of 3468 young people had been entrusted to us by Mr. President, the Minister of Education, the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-mezun-gunu-monpelye-universitetinin-diplomlari-azerbaycanda-teqdim-edildi...The TEDx program provoding the background for the promotion of TED organization in local communities with the motto “Ideas worth spreading” has been promoted since 2009 year all over the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//tedxunec-in-spikerleri-ugura-aparan-yolu-aciqladilar-bilik-ve-tehsil...the development from the stability and today Azerbaijan is included today in the list of the world’s most rapidly developing countries. According to him, the country achieved economic power is......
https://unec.edu.az/en//adiu-da-milli-qurtulus-gunune-hesr-olunmus-tedbir-kecirilib...He said historically the representatives of different nationalities live together in our country; they usually respect each other’s languages, religion, traditions and customs and today regardless of religion and ethnicity......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-dini-radikalizmin-fesadlarindan-behs-eden-fitne-senedli-filmi-numayis-olunubToday is our eternal student Ramzi Asgerov’s memorial day. Ramzi’s sister Sevil Asgerova remembers her martyr brother this way: – Ramzi was born on January 21 1967 in Lachin. We......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-sehidlerini-ehtiramla-yad-edir-12...a comprehensive understanding of the pressing global challenges confronting society today. It aims to deepen their knowledge regarding the implications of climate change, a reality we are presently confronting, and......