...is free and free of charge. You can apply to the UNEC International Cooperation Department regarding the registration and the additional information on the Olympiad. The training campus number I......
https://unec.edu.az/en//rusiyanin-ali-iqtisad-mektebinin-magistraturasinda-tehsili-almaq-imkaniPhD in Economics, Abdullayeva Irada Vagif......
https://unec.edu.az/en//i-f-d-abdullayeva-irade-vaqif...at the opening ceremony of the exhibition, Deputy Minister of Education Jeyhun Bayramov and other employees of the ministry became familiar with UNEC’s stand. Vice-rector of the University for International......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-x-beynelxalq-tehsil-sergisinde-temsil-olunub...the services offered by “Thomson Reuters” are very important for the adaptation of scientific researches to international standards, as well as our scientists’ awareness about the investigations conducted in the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-thomson-reuters-in-web-of-science-platformasinin-telimlerine-start-verilib...of the Centre for Regional Innovation and Technology and the value chain” The event moderated by the rector of UNEC professor Adalat Muradov was attended by deputy minister of Economy......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-qarabag-iqtisadiyyatinin-gelecek-inksafi-ile-bagli-muzakireler-kecirilib-4Today, the rector professor Adalat Muradov presented the pro-rector for academic work of UNEC Anar Rzayev to the staff. Noting that our goal is to provide the quality education, the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-tedris-ve-telim-texnologiyalari-uzre-prorektor-vezifesine-anar-rzayev-teyin-olunub...is in relation with the “Higher School of Economics” of the National Research University of Russia since April 2015. A number of successful projects have been realized within the contract......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-telebeleri-rusiyanin-tedqiqat-universiteti-ali-iqtisad-mektebi-nde-tecrube-kecirler...the pupils of Technical and Humanitarian Sciences Lyceum number 2 named after H.Mahmudbeyov operating under UNEC. The director of Distance, Correspondence and Additional Professional Center Sabuhi Tanrıverdiyev congratulating the pupils......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-den-mekteblilere-kitab-sevinci...competitions, and public events; – Having a foreign language certificate is an advantage – Must not be a final-year student Date of registration for candidates: 25 April – 05 May......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-telebe-rektor-ve-telebe-teskilatlarina-sedr-seckilerine-start-verilir...the sharp decrease in the number of students applying to “Open Door” as a positive result of the reforms carried out at UNEC. It should be noted that the next......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-rektoru-ve-ictimai-nezaret-surasinin-uzvleri-aciq-qapi-da-telebeleri-dinlediler...I think UNEC instructors have a great experience and ability. In fact, they are very active. But in some cases their approach to group exercises is very tense. If they......
https://unec.edu.az/en//paris-sorbon-universiteti-abu-dabi-professoru-unec-muelllimlerinin-boyuk-tecrube-ve-bacarigi-var...Adalat Muradov said the science devotee of the Turkish World Aziz Sancar visited Azerbaijan with the Education Minister Mikayil Jabbarov’s invitation. Aziz Sancar’s personality is very dear to us as......
https://unec.edu.az/en//nobel-mukafatcisi-aziz-sancar-unec-de...is an example for every young person, his dear memory will live forever in the hearts of each of us. Then the students visited the grave of the martyr, paid......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-in-telebeleri-sehid-agaemi-heybetovun-ailesini-ziyaret-edibler...demand for individual specialties, determining the specific weight of the optimal number of students in different specialties and aligning the educational process with the labor market are the most important......
https://unec.edu.az/en//ali-iqtisadiyyat-mektebi-milli-tedqiqat-universitetinin-professoru-adiu-da-muhazire-kecib...into the annual ranking table of “ecologically clean” universities. The ranking table drawn up by the University of Indonesia is he first and only rating for each university involved in......