Najafova Zumrud Babir...... Assisstant Professor : Rzai Aydin Ali...... of Biological Sciences, Assist.Professor, Akhundova Nazila Abdul...... Sevinj Mubariz...... Assisstant Professor : Qadimaliyeva Aynur Famil...... 4th year. Upon graduation, students will receive a diploma from the University of Montpellier in addition to UNEC. Thus, the number of students who graduated from the double degree...... The university has reserves to increase salaries in future. According to the Rector who considers it necessary to increase the teaching staff’s teaching load, there number might be reduced:...... John Maynard Keynes “In many cases, the challenge is to reject old ideas rather than the development of new ideas” and noted to the fore “changing IMF and the...... informed about the new event or ad by the reflection of “>n” (n- is the number of unread news or announcements). Here, as in the site- news are introduced...... is enough high indicator of salary of dollar equivalent. The university has reserves to increase salaries in future. According to the Rector who considers it necessary to increase the...... training buildings this way, noting to the fact that he responds to all issues written by the students on facebook. Students addressed their complaints to rector during the meeting....... the new academic year, the Center for Psychological Services at UNEC has been operating. Shafahat Abdullayeva, director of the center, gave an interview to UNEC News about the center’s...... strong impetus to the development of science in Azerbaijan, access to “Thomson Reuters” will lead to the development of international cooperation and increase the number of publications of local...... make choices according to their own wishes and abilities. One of our goals that we are expecting is to study the demands of the companies that have come with...... the new approach applied to disciplinary violations at UNEC from the current academic year. While there were 806 disciplinary violations in the exam session of the autumn semester of......