The author of the article, included into the most famous scientific and analytical information provider “Thomson Reuters”, entitiled as “The importance of Transcaspian Energy Cooperation for Turkish Republics” is Araz Aslanli, the teacher of Economics and Business chair at UNEC.
The article published on the platform of “Web of Science®”, a global scientific base for Higher Educational Institutions provided the information on the essence of the Transcaspian coopertaion, its history, the documents signed in relation to Transcaspian coopertaion, the information on the forms of implemented and planned forms of coopertaion, and highlighted the position on the issue of the regional states and extraregional forces. Then, in the article were analyzed the importance of the Transcaspian Energy Coopertaion for the Turkish Republics and the contribution it could make to the coopertaion among Turkish states.
We note for information that, the “Bilig” journal is a publication of the International Ahmet Yesevi University and is registered in the system of “SSCI” (Social Sciences Citation Index) and Social Science Reference Index.
The article of UNEC teacher can be found through this link: