Gahramanov Sabir Jarulla oghlu was born on December 3 1937 in Balaken region of Azerbaijan Republic.
He graduated from the Azerbaijan State University (present Baku State University) on Finance and Credit with the honorary diploma in 1959. He got Stalin’s Scholarship when he studied at the university. He began his professional activity on assignment as a senior laboratory assistant at the department of “Finance and Credit” of the University.
Within 1961-1964 S.J.Gahramanov was a full-time post graduate student of the department of “Finance and Credit” Azerbaijan State University and then defended his Candidate’s paper and became Candidate of Economy. He served at the chair as a teacher.
With the establishment of the Azerbaijan Institute of the National Economy he continued his activity at the department of “Finance and Credit”, then became a senior teacher and as an Assistant Professor.
He continued his work at the chair of “Banking” founded on the base of the same chair. Currently he is the consultant-professor of the department.
S.J.Gahramanov was awarded the title of the honorary professor.
He was awarded with the badge for “the Achievements in the work” by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Education of USSR for his contributions in the field of higher education in the period of activity at the INE of Azerbaijan.
S.J.Gahramanov is the author of 70 scientific works and training facilities, as well as the work carried out under the agreement.
Recently he had been the author of 3 chapters of the text-book “Money and Credit”. 2 articles of the author had been published edited in the journal of the university “Economic Sciences: theory and practice”. He was co-editor in putting together the syllabuses of the department.
S.J.Gahramanov is married, has got four children and grand children.