Head of the chair: associate professor Hanifa Alhuseyn JafarliAddress: Baku, H.Aliyev str. 135 (II academic building)
Beginning from the end of 20th years of the 20th century, “The Analysis of Agriculture” in the Azerbaijan State Economics University started to be taught. The course was one of the main subjects of all departments of its predecessors of Azerbaijan State University. From 1929 until 1972 “Economic analysis” (or “Analysis of agricultural activity”) subject was taught as part of the department of “Accounting and analysis of agricultural activity”. In 1972, two chairs was established on the base of this chair – “Accounting” and “Economic analysis”. “Economic analysis and audit” is the only specialty chair preparing educational programs, textbooks and books, methodical guidelines in the Republic.
Till 2011, “Economic analysis and audit” chair was headed by prof.A.Farajov, associate professor S.Samadov, associate professor I.Mahmudov, prof.H.Namazaliyev, prof.R.Aliyev, associate professor F.Guliyev, associate professor J.Namazova. Since 2011, the chair is headed by H.Jafarli, associate professor.
Currently, chair consists of 2 Doctors of economic sciences, professor (one of them is professor-advisor), 12 candidates on economic sciences, associate professor, 3 senior lectors (2 of them are Doctors of Philosophy on Economy), 2 lector (one of them is Doctor of Philosophy on Economy).
The chair is the unique educational and science centre on training bachelors, master and doctors on “Accounting and audit” qualification.
On Bachelor degree “ The theory of economic analysis”, “Management analysis” , “Finance analysis (economic)”, “The analysis of financial reports”, “Economic analysis” , “Audit” subject are taught by the “Economic analysis and audit” chair.
On Master degree “ Economic analysis in audit”, “The analysis of foreign economic activity”, “ Economic analysis and diagnostics”, “Strategic (forecast) analysis” and other subjects are taught to the students of “Accounting and audit” specialization. Students, as well doctorates and candidates for a degree on both Bachelor and Master degrees are provided with new literature, textbooks, methodical guidelines published in Azerbaijani and Russian languages.
Academic staff:
On the extra-budgetary funds