...obtained the100th place collecting 34.1 points according to the academic reputation indicator. “Employer Reputation”–UNEC improved its position twice and became into 87th place. The second biggest weight with 20% belongs......
https://unec.edu.az/en//qs-regional-reytinqi-2018-unec-30-pille-irelileyib...voluntary basis. The online application form will be available at unec.edu.az webpage for those to participate. The commission will give the right of participation evaluating the essays submitted. Afterwards the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-yeni-layihe-lider-muellim-lider-universitet...bachelors will receive a diploma from both universities for 4 years. The agreement also provides for the participation of instructors and students in academic exchanges. Thus, the number of UNEC......