...Adalat Muradov drew attention to the relevance of the topic and said that expanding the use of renewable energy sources is one of the country’s priorities. He emphasized that the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-dayaniqli-energetikaya-dogru-movzusunda-beynelxalq-seminara-start-verilib...UNEC this time is dedicated to the topic “Improving the quality of teaching materials and adapting to the international standards”. At the winter school organized in the UNEC Guba Training,......
https://unec.edu.az/en//dunya-universitetlerinin-alimleri-unec-de-tedris-materiallari-beynelxalq-standartlara-uygunlasdirilir...e- register: 94.4%-yes; 2.5%-no The ability to use the interactive teaching methods: 59.2%-10 points; 5.2%- 1 point Individual approach to students: 61.1%- 10points: 5%-1 point Assistance to students outside the......
https://unec.edu.az/en//tedrisin-keyfiyyeti-telebelerin-gozu-ile-neticeler-aciqlandiLife in Baku......
https://unec.edu.az/en//baki-seherinde-yasam-2...terms of opportunities for parents and students to get higher education; 5) macro-level changes needed to promote quality higher education in times of change. To adequately respond to emerging challenges,......
https://unec.edu.az/en//bir-d-a-d-dost-akademik-dunyasi-yaratmaq-olar...which was rapidly moving towards becoming a world-class university, would bring significant benefits to MSU, Sh. Bayramov said that as a regional partner, he would use every opportunity to implement......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-le-mdu-arasinda-emekdasliq-muqavilesi-imzalanib...used, numerous experiments were conducted, hundreds of considerations were put forward, and many new concepts were created. The speaker emphasized that the quality is closely related to the content, forms......
https://unec.edu.az/en//scientific-seminar-at-the-faculty-of-finance-and-accounting-quality-indicators-of-education-in-the-modern-eraA solemn event dedicated to Victory Day was held at the Azerbaijan State University of Economics (UNEC). Along with the UNEC staff, the families of martyrs, veterans, soldiers, members of......
https://unec.edu.az/en//zefer-gunu-unec-de-boyuk-tentene-ile-qeyd-edilib...are eligible to the chosen programmes. Along with relevant documents, foreigners are also required to submit a recommendation letter. (at least 2) If needed, applicants are invited to an interview......
https://unec.edu.az/en//international-students...age”, William G. Bowen. 2018. “China’s digital transformation”, M. Huaten, M. Zhaoli, Y. Deli, V. Hualey, 2019. “Aversion to change.” How to Overcome Resistance to Change”, Robert Keegan, Lisa Laskow......
https://unec.edu.az/en//yeni-layihe-unec-alimlerinden-kitab-tovsiyeleri...event, vice-rector, associate professor Shaiq Asgarov expressed his satisfaction with the presentation of the book of UNEC graduate, well-known economist Eldeniz Amirov, dedicated to the successful corridor strategy of President......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-avrasiyanin-arteriyalari-adli-kitabinin-teqdimati-kecirilib...will successfully study and complete the Program will bet both UNEC’s and the MRU’s diplomas. Those are interested in the Program should apply to the Department of International Cooperation (Istiglaliyyat......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-le-mikolos-romeris-universitetinin-ikili-diplomunu-almaq-imkaniThe internationalization of universities and global trends in this sector have led to a strong competitive environment among higher education institutions. As in other areas, strong competition between universities has......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-brendi-xorvatiyada-da-tanindiUNEC, the brand of Azerbaijan State University of Economics, continues to strengthen its position among world education brands. Thus, after Turkey, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia, Ukraine,......
https://unec.edu.az/en//yunanistan-da-unec-i-tanidi...also essential for the advancement of science and innovation on a global scale. Throughout the forum, panel sessions provided an opportunity for scholars to address critical topics related to the......