
Head of the Department: Prof. Hasanov Ali Panah



1947-1957 – Gold medal

1957-1959 – Azerbaijan Institute of National Economy

1959-1962 – Baku State University

1970 Associate Professor
1992 Candidate of Medical Sciences, professor
2010 Order of Glory, progress medal according to the disposal of the President of AR
1962-1964 Assistant of the department of «Commodity research of industrial products», Azerbaijan University of Languages named after S.M.Kirov
1966-1988 Associate professor of the department of «Commodity research of industrial products», Azerbaijan Institute of National Economy
1993-2000 Rector of Baku Institute of Commodity Research and Commerce
 2000-2004 Vice-rector of Azerbaijan State Economic University
2004-2011 Dean of the faculty of “Commodity Research” of Azerbaijan State Economic University
2011 Director of the department of “Commodity Research of non-food products” of Azerbaijan State Economic University
SCIENTIFIC-METHODOLOGICAL WORKS: 31 textbooks and training aids, 220 scientific works
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