Since 19.10.2020, the department of “Technological machines and field equipment” has been abolished.
The departments of “Examination of consumer goods”, “Standardization and certification”, “Technology of food products”, “Technological machines and field equipment” and “Physics and chemistry” of the faculty of “Expertise and standardization” were abolished and the faculty of “Engineering”, the department of “Engineering and applied sciences ” were established.
The department of “Technological machines and field equipment” was established in 1993 by the decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 47 at the Baku Commodity-Commercial Institute. Since June 2000, it has been operating under the Faculty of Technology and Design of Azerbaijan State University of Economics. The department trains specialists in textile, light industry and household service technological machinery and equipment engineering and food industry, catering and trade technological machinery and equipment engineering in the direction of technological machinery and equipment engineering.
Since its establishment, the department is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Mazahir Farzaliyev.
Later, “Standardization and Certification” and “Design” departments were established on the basis of this department.
A laboratory for the subjects “Theory of Machines and Mechanisms”, “Machine Parts”, as well as specialized classrooms and auditoriums on “Inverse Geometry and Engineering Graphics” and “Theoretical Mechanics” have been established at the department.
The department has a branch in “H.Z. Tagiyev Knitting and Sewing Industry Complex” OJSC. Laboratory classes, production and specialty internships on specialty subjects are held in this branch.
State standards, curricula and study plans have been developed to organize the teaching process at the department. Programs on all subjects taught have been published. To improve the organization of education, 6 textbooks, 10 teaching aids, more than 10 methodical instructions, a monograph, more than 200 scientific-methodical articles have been written at the department.
The department is in close contact with the relevant departments of higher education institutions of the republic. It also cooperates with Institute of Mechanical Engineering of ANAS, Ege University (Turkey), Moscow University of Design and Technology, St. Petersburg University of Technology and Design. Subject programs, textbooks, teaching aids are written together with the employees of the mentioned universities and departments. Opinions are given on scientific articles, candidate and doctoral dissertations. The department is a member of “Theory of International Machines and Mechanisms” (IFT MM).
Research work on “Development of new technologies, methods of calculation and design of automatic machines in the field of textile, light, food industry, household services and trade.” is carried out at the department. As a result of the research, a methodology was developed and a mechanism was established to determine the technological and design parameters of the fabric-forming mechanism of the TMM-type multi-strand weaving machine, which produces fabric continuously. The theoretical foundations of continuous fragmentation have been studied. As a result of research, copyright certificates and patents were obtained for 25 inventions.