Zeynalova Mehriban Suleyman
She was born on November 20, 1966 in Sumgayit.
In 1984 she was admitted to the faculty of light industry goods technology of Azerbaijan Institute of Technology, in 1989 she graduated from the same institute.
In 1989, she worked as a junior researcher at the Ganja Science Center, and on January 14, 1991, she was hired as a senior laboratory assistant at the department of “Technology and Construction of Sewing Products” of Azerbaijan Institute of Technology.
In 1992, she was hired as a senior laboratory assistant at the department of “Commodity Studies of Non-Food Products” of Baku Commercial Institute of Commodity Studies.
Since 2008 she has been working as a lecturer at the “Commodity studies and examination of non-food products” department of Azerbaijan State University of Economics.
Since 25.04.2007 she has been is a candidate for a degree of Azerbaijan Institute of Technology on the topic “Improvement of the organization of production of uniforms on the basis of resource-saving technology”.
She is the author of 7 methodical instructions, 2 typical programs, 12 theses and 4 articles.
She is married and has two children.