...15.488 391 Zeynalova Mehriban Suleyman AA_Standardization and certification S/t 15.486 392 Kasumov Rufat Mammad AA_International economic relations professor 15.482 393 Hasanova Irada Chingiz AA_Russian language S/t 15.477 394 Abdinov Javad......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-professor-muellim-heyetinin-reytinq-siyahisi-mueyyenlesdi...İsmixan AA_Xarici dillər Müəllim 18.161 125 Əliyeva Zənurə Həsrət AA_İstehlak mallarının ekspertizası kafedrası Baş müəllim 18.099 126 Allahverdiyeva İlhamə Fəxrəddin AA_İstehlak mallarının ekspertizası kafedrası Baş müəllim 18.057 127 Cəfərov Elman......
https://unec.edu.az/en//unec-de-professor-muellim-heyetinin-reytinq-siyahisi-01-05-2017...program: ·Students with a GPA of 65 and above can apply; ·On 22 specialties of UNEC. * Teaching language: Azerbaijani, Turkish, English, Russian Required documents: 1. Application in the name......
https://unec.edu.az/en//udid-ve-minor-proqraminda-istirak-etmek-isteyen-telebelerin-nezerine...the domestic sources. The volume of the foreign investment of Azerbaijan has increased in 2014. 127 thousand of new workplaces were created in 2014. It has led to a decline......